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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 170

Chapter 170 Does That Make It Clear?

The shower continuously released warm water, and the entire bathroom was filled with steam.

Marion lifted her head and met those deep black eyes, and her heart skipped a beat.

She lowered her gaze, only to find herself captivated by Lucas’s Adam’s apple.

She felt the heat rise.

Marion curled her toes, and the atmosphere of the bathroom inevitably sparked some erotic thoughts. She feared that if Lucas did not leave soon, she might lose control.

Marion took a slight breath, “Mr. Craig, could you please leave?”

“Mm.” Lucas retracted his gaze and responded half-heartedly.

His lowered eyes concealed the turbulent emotions Marion had not noticed. He reached out, lifted

Marion off the sink, and walked out of the bathroom.

Marion finally breathed a sigh of relief. Just as she was about to undress, she raised her hand and discovered that she was still holding the Transcendent necklace.

Oh no!

Only she could ruin a 55-million-dollar necklace! She hurriedly opened the bathroom door, “Mr. Craig, wait! The necklace got wet. Should we have someone take care of it?”

Lucas’s black eyes shone as he watched Marion approach him barefoot. He reached out to take the necklace, “If you don’t hurry and take a bath, you’ll catch a cold.”

The suite had central heating, but Marion shivered as she stepped out of the bathroom. After just a few seconds, she felt goosebumps forming.

Marion glanced at Lucas and realized he seemed unconcerned about the necklace. She breathed a sigh of relief. She could not afford to lose such an expansive necklace!

As she entered the bathroom, Marion closed the door with a soft click.

Then she clicked the lock.

Well, she was cautious.

Lucas sat on the sofa and gazed towards the bathroom, his black eyes unwavering. In the quiet suite, the faint sound of dripping water could be heard from the bathroom.


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