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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 179

Chapter 179 She Likes Money

Marion was the type to yield to persuasion rather than force, and regardless of Alice’s scheme, her gaze was simply too compelling for Marion to refuse.

“Well, let me take a look?”

Lucas remained silent, and Marion took it as his tacit approval. Alice happily picked up the gift box and handed it to Marion.

Marion received the box, untied the ribbon, and found another small box inside. A Russian nesting doll?

Marion hesitated for a moment, as she glanced at Alice.

However, considering Lucas’s presence, Alice would not make a move so openly against her, would she? With that in mind, Marion opened the small box and found only a piece of paper inside.

To be precise, it was a shopping voucher.

It was for a Steinway Model S baby grand piano.

As Marion was puzzled, Alice eagerly added, “Do you like it? I spent the whole night choosing it yesterday! The piano will be delivered in a few days!”

Marion glanced at the order time on the shopping voucher, realizing that Alice had indeed stayed up all night for the gift. Marion could not help but think, “Such a petty move!”

However, regarding the piano…

“It’s nice, but there’s already a piano upstairs.”

What a coincidence, was it not?



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