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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 182

Chapter 182 What Virtue or Ability Do I Possess?

Marion hesitated for a couple of seconds but eventually accepted the friend request.

After that, Alice remained silent. The friend page was empty, and only a message appeared, stating, [ You have added a new friend. You can start chatting now.]

Marion raised an eyebrow, wondering what tricks Alice might have up her sleeve.

Before she could ponder what Alice might be plotting, Cassie suddenly sent her a screenshot: [What drama is Miss Alice acting out this time?]

Marion clicked the screenshot and found that Alice had posted a statement on Twitter, tagging Marion’s account.

As the heiress of the Gardner Media company owned by her family, Alice was always active on Twitter, boasting a considerable number of followers and known as the Princess of Gardner Media.

Her Twitter posts usually made it to the trending list.

This time was no exception. Alice’s post had been up for only two hours, and it was already sixth on the trending list. Her statement showing her gratitude towards Marion appeared sincere, tugging at Marion’s heartstrings. The comments below were surprisingly positive, either expressing sympathy for Alice or praising Marion.

[Wow! Feeling sorry for the Princess! Just reading the description makes me feel how desperate and scared you were when you fell into the water last night! Fortunately, Mrs. Craig was there and acted so quickly to rescue you!]

[Ah, looking at it this way, Mrs. Craig is really beautiful and kind! She’s excellent at playing the piano too! At this point, we can’t help but criticize a certain Royce scumbag!]

[Wow, Mrs. Craig did a great job at saving someone! The Princess expressing her gratitude publicly afterward is also great! Everyone is great!]

Of course, netizens did not have short memories, and some remembered the incident three months ago when Marion’s wedding was called off. As the instigator, Jameson naturally received another

round of backlash.

After reading through Twitter, Marion returned to WhatsApp and found a message from Cassie: [1 really can’t understand Miss Alice’s recent actions…]

Marion shrugged: [I don’t understand either…]


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