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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 185

Chapter 185 Can I Pay You Back in Installments?

“Something up?” Lucas adjusted his bathrobe, covering those well-defined eight-pack abs, but the spacious neckline still dipped low on his chest.

Marion made an effort to avert her gaze, pretending nonchalance as she looked towards him. “I just received a call. It was from your father’s secretary.”

“What did they say?” Lucas turned and walked into the room. Marion hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly followed him inside.

“Your father wants to meet me. Tomorrow at half-past twelve, at the Blue Lake Coffeehouse.”

“Ignore him.”

Marion nodded, “Honestly, I’m not too keen on meeting him either.


Lucas agreed, “Is it time for your leg follow-up appointment?”

“Yes, tomorrow’s check-up.”

“In the morning?”

“Yes, the morning session.”

Lucas furrowed his brows, “After the check-up, give me a call. I’ll come pick you up.” He had a morning meeting that he could not get out of.

Marion softly exclaimed, “But I have plans for lunch with a friend.”

Lucas, who was planning to have lunch with Marion, interjected, “Okay, you take care then.

“Yeah, my leg is almost fully recovered anyway.”


Lucas responded calmly, not saying anything more. The room fell unexpectedly silent. Marion felt slightly awkward, “Then I’ll go back to rest, okay?”

Lucas did not respond immediately, and as she was about to leave, he suddenly asked, “Has Jameson contacted you recently?”

Marion had almost forgotten about Jameson lately, and hearing him mentioned made her realize it had been over a month since she last saw him. She blinked, “No, he hasn’t contacted me. Did he reach out to you?”


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