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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 188

Chapter 188 Bumping into the Enemy

Cassie had a look of triumph on her face.

As she looked at Marion with an air of authority, she said, “Moreover, Lucas is your legitimate husband. What’s wrong with touching him? Even if you kiss him, he can only ‘endure’ it! Right?”

Marion’s face turned red. Cassie was right, but saying such things in public made her feel uncomfortable.

Quickly changing the topic, she said, “You’re right! Anyway, why do you think Alice publicly expressed her gratitude to me?”

As soon as Alice’s name was mentioned, Cassie’s attention shifted, “Speaking of which, Miss Alice is so unpredictable.”

Marion breathed a slight sigh of relief.

At that point, the food had arrived. The two friends chatted about Alice’s incredible actions and complained about some envious people in their social circle. They enjoyed their meal together.

Marion accidentally overindulged and felt uncomfortable with her stuffed stomach, “I think I’ve

eaten too much.”

Cassie, who had also overeaten, patted her slightly bulging belly, “I’ve eaten too much too!”

They exchanged a glance, understanding each other without words. They got up, paid the bill, and

decided to stroll around the mall.

Perhaps everyone else also shared the need to walk around the mall to ease their uncomfortable tummies. After thoroughly exploring the sixth floor of the mall and enjoying another pleasant meal, Marion and Cassie decided to head home around nine in the evening.

However, when they reached the entrance of the mall, they realized something was wrong. The weather was fine when they entered, but now it was suddenly pouring rain. The clear path they had walked in on was no longer accessible.

Marion glanced at Cassie, “How are you going to get back?”

Marion was not too concerned for herself. Worst case scenario, she could call her dad, and the driver would pick her up.

“No problem. I’ll wait for the rain to stop before leaving,” Cassie replied, unconcerned. “What about you? Is Lucas coming to pick you up?”

Marion shook her head, “He has a dinner appointment tonight.”

At that hour, Lucas’s dinner appointment probably had not ended yet.

Right after Marion finished speaking, a female voice interjected abruptly, “If he’s not coming, he’s not coming. What’s with all this talk about a dinner appointment?”

Chapter 188 Bumping into the Enemy



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