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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 197

Chapter 197 Was She Already Bored of Him?

Lucas placed the freshly filleted fish into her bowl of vegetables. “Indeed, it’s not a significant


“Thank you.” Marion could not help but feel the difference in the concept of money between wealthy individuals and herself.

“Do you need money?”

“Not really.”

“Hmm.” Lucas glanced at her. “If you ever need money, you can talk to me. I can lend it to you.”

“Thanks, but that won’t be necessary!”

With the matter reported, the next step was to sign a contract with Kirk.

Kirk’s agent and Miley had already negotiated the terms. After lunch, Marion received a call from Miley, reminding her to sign the contract.

Marion was surprised, “So soon?”

“Kirk’s team is pushing for it.”

Marion did not think much about it. “Oh, okay!”

She had initially planned to take a nap, but now she had to change and go out to sign the contract.

Despite the nearly 104-degree heat outside, Marion decided to wear a casual long skirt and flat sandals. She braided her hair into a simple twist and headed out with only sunscreen and lipstick on

her face.

Carrying her bag, she left the room and went downstairs. On her way, she bumped into Lucas heading upstairs.

“I’m going out to sign a contract.”

Lucas glanced at her. “I’ll drive you.”

Marion wanted to decline, thinking she could take a cab, but he had already walked past her.

She turned and looked at his back, then reluctantly waited downstairs, pouring a glass of water for herself and Lucas.


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