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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 204

Chapter 204 Your Wife Is Quite Formidable 

None of that” 

Then why are you so angry?” 

Marion completely calmed down, sighed, and softly said, Actually, when we got married, I blackmailed him.” 


Cassie was greatly shocked. You didn’t say that back then.” 

When Marion had mentioned their marriage, Lucas had agreed, and Cassie always knew their marriage was more of a facade. Sometimes Marion joked about it, but it always seemed lighthearted. Now, it appeared things were not as simple

Marion chuckled awkwardly, I was just desperate to escape from the Royce family at that time. I didn’t want you to think poorly of me, so I told a little lie.” 

Desperate move, Mar.” 

A little lie

Marion waved her hand dismissively, Well, yes I suppose it was

Cassie was silent

Marion seems pretty ballsy,Cassie thought to herself


Marion confessed the past events and explained, Lucas is a good man, so I really don’t like hearing 

others call him an adulterer.” 

Although she was the one who took the initiative in the whole matter, Lucas had agreed to her 

unreasonable request to take responsibility

Marion just felt guilty about the unfair label on Lucas

Cassie was surprised by Marion’s revelation and suddenly understood why Marion exploded earlier

After Janice’s disturbance, even though Marion had not bought Richard’s birthday gift, she was in no mood to continue shopping. Instead, they bought bubble tea and stood by the luxury store window

Cassie took a big sip and suggested, How about we go home?” 

Marion glanced at her, Good idea.” 

Since Cassie had to work late that night, they could not have dinner together. They said their 


Marion took a cab back to the villa and reflecting on the recent events, she could not help but feel guilty for how she handled herself with Janice. In truth, she thought her reaction was too intense. Oh

Chapter 204 Your Wife is Quite Formidable 

the trouble that men bring!Marion thought to herself


The traffic in the city center on a Saturday was congested, with the cars moving slowly on the road. Marion tried to stay awake but eventually succumbed to sleep

Meanwhile, Lucas, who had just returned home from the office, received a video message from Martin. He raised an eyebrow, not intending to open it, assuming it was not anything good

However, while changing his clothes, he accidentally opened the video

In the video, Marion held a cup of tea and splashed it onto another woman’s face

Afterward, she sternly warned the other woman, Bring your brain with you when you go out, will you? If you’re not sober, take a right, cross the road, and dive into the river to clear your head. Think 



you speak. If I hear one more word from you about Lucas, next time, it won’t be tea, it’ll be sulfuric acid. Don’t test me!” 

She then left, angrily throwing the paper cup at the woman’s face


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