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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 215

Chapter 215 You’re Amazing, Mr. Craig

Daniel followed closely behind Lucas, not daring to breathe too loudly, afraid of causing any disturbance. Lucas stopped abruptly and called his name, Daniel.” 

Daniel was taken aback and quickly approached Lucas with his files. Mr. Craig?” 

Tonight is Alice’s birthday. Prepare a gift, and place it on my desk in two hours,Lucas instructed

Daniel had prepared himself for criticism but never anticipated that Lucas would ask him to prepare a birthday gift for Alice. For a moment, he was slow to react, and he asked a foolish question, Mr. Craig, should Mrs. Craig be informed about this matter?” 

Daniel regretted his question as soon as he asked it

Regardless of whether Lucas would engage in morally questionable actions or not, as his secretary, he should turn a blind eye to such matters

Lucas stared at him with his dark eyes, What do you think, Daniel?” 

Daniel was dumbfounded. How should he answer such a lifeordeath question

He had been with Lucas for so many years, and as far as he could assert, there was hardly any 

interaction between Lucas and Marion before that car accident

Could someone fall so deeply in love without much interaction? Was the power of love at first sight so strong? But Lucas did not seem like someone who would fall in love at first sight

Daniel went through all the possibilities in his mind and tentatively said, I think Mrs. Craig should be informed. What do you think, Mr. Craig?” 

Lucas gave him a disdainful look, If she knows, why ask?” 

With that, Lucas walked into the elevator. Daniel wiped his forehead, feeling as if he had just escaped death. It was terrifying

Within two hours, preparing a thoughtfulbirthday gift was a challenging task for Marion

However, for the versatile secretary, it was a manageable assignment

Lucas had instructed Daniel to have the gift on his desk before 5:30 pm, but Daniel had already placed the wellpacked gift on Lucas’s desk by 5:00 pm

Mr. Craig, this is the birthday gift for Miss Alice that you asked me to prepare. It’s a new model from Mystara House, the Diamond Grid Bag,Daniel reported

Lucas, indifferent to the specific gift, replied, Understood.” 

Daniel then tactfully exited the office. Twenty minutes later, Lucas left the office carrying the bag, as 

he headed back to the villa

Marion had not expected Lucas to return so quickly

Chapter 215 You’re Amazing, Mr. Craig


While applying her makeup, she was startled by a knock on the door

Her hand trembled, causing her false eyelashes to be applied incorrectly. She had no choice but to discard them and then went to answer the door

As expected, Lucas stood at the door. He handed her a bag as if delivering a report, The gift for Alice

Taking the bag, Marion sincerely praised him, Wow, Mr. Craig, you’re amazing!” 

Daniel arranged it.” 


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