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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34 You Should Apologize to Her 

For the first time, Jameson felt a hint of irritation towards Sally. He did not want to deal with her and tried to pretend he could not see her. He hoped she would not directly block his path

The jarring screech of brakes drew the attention of onlookers to the black Lexus

Jameson saw Sally standing directly in front of his car and felt an unprecedented anger. He pushed open the car door and stepped out. Do you have a death wish?” 

Sally looked up, tears streaming down her face, eyes red and pleading. I’m sorry, Jay. I just wanted to tell you I didn’t mean it!” 

In the past, Jameson might have softened at the sight of her in this state. However, considering the recent online events, his emotions were more complex than ever. Had Sally changed, or had he misjudged her character from the beginning

Jameson was conflicted as he looked at Sally. You claim it wasn’t intentional? What about the recording?He asked, his tone tinged with impatience

As soon as he mentioned it, Sally’s face turned pale. Trembling lips hinted at an attempt to speak, but she struggled for words. She could only gaze at Jameson with pleading eyes. I’m sorry, Jay.” 

Saying sorry to me won’t cut it. In all of this, the one who suffers the most is Marion. You should apologize to her!” 

Sally pressed her lips together, wiped away a tear, and said, Jay, are you going to apologize to Marion? II’ll go with you. Those things were all my wishful thinking. They have nothing to do with 


Jameson could guess at her intention. If you come with me, it won’t be an apology, Sally! If you genuinely realize your mistake, let’s minimize contact in the future!” 

Then Jameson got into the car

Sally looked at him in disbelief, her tears fell even more than before. The shock lingered for several seconds. This was the first time Jameson had spoken so sternly to her

The black sedan drove away, leaving Sally standing there alone

It took Sally several seconds to react. The hand hanging at her side tightened gradually. Despite the whispers of onlookers, her fragile facade diminished bit by bit, leaving only resentment and defiance 

in her eyes

She refused to believe she could not compete with Marion

The Mercedes quickly parked downstairs at the Cartiers. Jameson stepped out of the car and pulled 

out his phone, dialing Richard’s number

Marion had blocked him, so he had no choice but to call Richard

Chapter 34 You Should Apologize to Her 


Richard, slicing a pomelo, ignored the ringing phone. Instead, he said to his daughter, Marion, can you answer my phone?” 

Marion put down her phone and picked up Richard’s. When she saw the caller ID displaying Jameson she immediately hung up and then blocked the number using Richard’s phone

Richard placed the pomelo slices on a fruit platter. He saw that Marion had not answered the call.What’s wrong?” 

Nothing, just a sales call.” 

Richard did not think much of it. He moved the sliced pomelo in front of Marion. Try to taste it and see if it’s sweet.” 

Although the pomelos that month were not particularly tasty, Marion liked them. They were a new variety cultivated by someone Richard knew, and he had specially brought a box for her

Thanks, Dad.” 

Marion took a bite of the pomelo. It was not overly sweet, but it was refreshing and quite enjoyable. Delicious, Dad, you should try some too!” 

Richard smiled, took a slice of pomelo, watched TV for a while, and could not resist bringing up the topic on his mind. Marion, Lucas mentioned you’re moving to his place next week” 

Chapter 35 From Now On, I Am Mrs. Craig 


Chapter 35 From Now On, I Am Mrs. Craig 

Having raised his daughter for so many years, Richard was naturally reluctant to part with her

Marion was also taken aback. When she thought about the matter, her fair ears gradually turned red. The news about me getting married to him is already known to everyone. It seems inappropriate not to move in. After all, we just made a public display, and if we lived separately, it wouldn’t look good

Although my marriage with Lucas is more of a facade, only the two of us know that. Moreover, Lucas had already asked me to move in, so there must be a reason for it. He did me a big favor, and it’s only right for me to reciprocate.” 

Richard did not see it as a problem. Although you’ve registered your marriage, you haven’t had a wedding ceremony, and there were no formal gifts exchanged. If you don’t live together, outsiders won’t have much to say.” 

Marion was about to say something when Jameson’s voice came from downstairs. Marion! Please, come down and see me! Marion!” 


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