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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 38

Chapter 38 Well Played, Mr. Craig 

At the same time, in the black Bentley, there was a sudden stop. The driver in the front quickly pulled over and parked. Daniel, in the passenger seat, was also puzzled and turned back cautiously to Lucas, Mr. Craig?” 

You can both get off here and go home. Take a cab. The company will reimburse you.” 

Daniel thought Lucas was about to get angry. During dinner, Wayne Wolowitz was asking for trouble by arranging such a surprise. Lucas left the private room, his face a mask of emotions. After getting into the car, he remained silent until he answered a call half a minute ago

Hearing Lucas’s words, Daniel quickly signaled to the driver, and the two of them got out of the car promptly. Lucas went around to the driver’s seat, extended his long legs into the car, and smoothly sat inside. Soon, the Bentley sped away, leaving only Daniel and the driver on the roadside

Fifteen minutes later, the Bentley entered Sapphire Lake Villas. After another two minutes, it slowly drove into a small lane and then stopped in front of Villa No. 15

Lucas got out of the car and only then noticed someone was standing in front of the carJameson. Lucas glanced at Jameson, whose expression was indifferent as if he were looking at a random cat or dog on the roadside

Jameson felt the disdain in the other’s gaze. Mr. Craig, you’re playing this act quite well.” 

Lucas pressed the doorbell and then turned his head to look at Jameson. Oh, then please, Mr. Royce, enjoy watching me finish this play. However, the duration might be seven or eight decades. I wonder if you can endure it.” 

With contempt and arrogance still lingering in the air, the Cartiersbutler emerged. Mr. Craig, please come in.Howard’s deferential attitude made Jameson’s eyes turn red. Howard used to treat 

him the same way, but now he showed such respect to Lucas

As he watched Lucas enter the Cartiersresidence, Jameson moved his leg to follow. However, before 

he could step inside the villa, Howard intercepted him, Mr. Royce, I have been informed that the Cartiers do not welcome you.With that, Howard pushed the door forward, and with a loud clang,it shut, barring Jameson from entering

Jameson stood at the doorway and watched as Lucas followed Howard inside. His face turned dark 

and livid

Mr. Cartier and Miss Marion are waiting for you upstairs, Mr. Craig.” 

Lucas nodded and followed Howard up to the second floor

Marion heard the doorbell and knew Lucas had arrived. Thinking about her recent exclamation of honey, she felt a warmth creeping up her ears

Just as she was gathering herself, Howard had already led Lucas upstairs. Sir, Miss, Mr. Craig has arrived.” 

Chapter 38 Well Played, Mr. Craig 


Lucas first looked at Richard. Mr. Cartier, good evening.Then, his dark gaze subtly shifted and landed on Marion, seated on the sofa

With Jameson causing trouble downstairs, Richard found Lucas quite pleasing. His attitude was very demure. Thank you for coming. Please have a seat!” 

He glanced at Marion and sat directly beside her. “No trouble at all. It’s something I should have done 



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