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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43 Outside Lucas’s House 

Marion kept a composed face. She had figured out that Jameson was not giving up. She pursed her lips and looked up at Lucas with a hint of embarrassment. I probably won’t go back tonight.” 

Her hand tightened nervously, fearing Lucas might not let her stay over that night

Moving in early might be a good idea,he said casually

He turned off the TV, and the surveillance footage disappeared. Lucas put down the remote control and gazed at Marion. In a calm and unhurried manner, he added, I forgot to mention, Mrs. Craig

our house has only one bedroom.” 

Was he joking? Marion found it hard to believe. After a pause, she cautiously asked, In such a large place, you only have one bedroom?” 

It seems that you don’t quite trust me,Lucas remarked, as he rose from his seat and walked toward 


Marion watched him approach. Whawhat’s happening?” 

Let me take you upstairs for a tour.” 

A fresh scent of wood wafted through the air, growing stronger. Marion looked at Lucas as he once again lifted her into his arms. She hesitated to say she did not need to be carried but felt it might 

offend him

Well, it was not the first time he’s carried meshe thought to herself

Marion resigned herself to the situation. Lucas carried her upstairs effortlessly. The rooms on the upper floor were concealed behind hidden doors, and Marion had no idea where the bedrooms were

Lucas first took her to the study, followed by the gym, and finally to the bedroom at the end of the hallway. The bedroom was spacious, featuring not only a bed but also a small living area, a walkin 

closet of about twenty square meters, and a bathroom of about ten square meters

Once placed on the bed, Marion heard Lucas speak as she settled in. The basement is the entertainment area, and the floor below has the wine cellar.” 

The villa was expansive, with welldesigned and generously sized functional areas. Despite being

fourstory villa with only one bedroom, after touring the rooms on the second floor, Marion felt it might not be as difficult to accept as she initially thought. The division of space was reasonable, and each room seemed just right

Lucas did not interrupt her thoughts. I’m going to take a shower,he said then entered the bathroom, leaving Marion alone on the bed

The bed was quite large

Marion pinched herself and glanced towards the bathroom. She could feel the heat rise to her face

Chapter 43 Outside Lucas’s House 

Big bed or not, as a fake couplethey could not share a bed

Marion raised her hand to cover her face, trying to calm herself down

She decided that the situation was easily resolved. Later, when Lucas came out, she would have an 

honest conversation with him

Marion believed he was a smart person who could not possibly be oblivious to why she insisted on getting married in the first place


She did use Lucas, that’s true. Although her marriage with Lucas was not something she could break off in the short term, she was not just trying to provoke Jameson

She was more focused on completely getting rid of him

Whether one labeled her as despicable or shameless, she indeed needed assistance. So bluntly speaking, she was using Lucas

While contemplating this, her phone suddenly lit up with a message from Cassie

Cassie: [Marion, I heard that that scum Jameson went to your place to confront you?


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