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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 46

summoned the courage to look at the seemingly unperturbed man. Please let me explain.” 

Chapter 46 Piece of Meat 


Chapter 46 Piece of Meat 

Like a justification?” 

Marion did not expect her words to be so awkward. No, I mean, please listen to my explanation.” 

Sure, go ahead with your explanation.” 

She was so tired, and just wanted the evening to be over

No one spoke, and the atmosphere became painfully awkward

Marion bit her lip. My friend tends to talk nonsense. Please don’t take it to heart. She’s got a wild imagination.” 

Perhaps feeling she had embarrassed herself enough tonight, Marion tried to regain her composure. I understand why you agreed to my unreasonable request for marriage.But you need a marriage partner as well, right?” 

Marion cautiously looked at Lucas, afraid he might deny it

Lucas lifted his head slightly, indicating that she should continue

And I happen to need a husband. In situations like tonight, you are indeed quite useful.” 


Lucas suddenly raised his eyes and looked at her slowly

Marion was caught off guard, and her mind inexplicably went to Cassie’s message

It took her a couple of seconds to compose herself. She pretended not to understand. She took on

more serious demeanor

As for this marriage, we both know what it is. Rest assured, I won’t have any inappropriate thoughts. When you no longer need me, I will willingly go with you to get a divorce.” 

The silent man before Marion made her choose her words carefully. We can show affection publicly, but privately, we don’t have to go to that extent.” 

I’ve said my piece. What do you think?” 

Marion fell silent, and gripped her phone tightly, while she waited for Lucas’s response

While the man seemed gentle and considerate in their interactions, Marion knew, as did the whole of Lumina City, that Lucas was the last person one should provoke

As she watched the smile disappear from his face, Marion felt a sinking feeling rise in her. It occurred to her that she might have said something wrong

No one spoke in the room. Marion lowered her eyes, mentally replaying the words she had just spoken

Chapter 46 Piece of Meat 


Am I very old?” 


You keep saying Mr. Craigall the time.” 

Marion looked awkward. It’s a form of respect.” 

It’s not necessary.” 

Lucas glanced at her, his gaze was noticeably colder


It’s late. Get some rest.” 

Lucas spoke and stood up

Marion was stunned, unsure if it was her imagination, but she felt like Lucas was angry

However, upon careful reflection, if roles were reversed, Marion would also be angry at being manipulated

Admitting her fault, Marion dared not say anything more. She glanced at the closed bedroom door and obediently got into bed


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