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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 48

hapter 48 Lucas Gets Angry 

Marion woke up and realized that she had slept through the night without any interruptions. She instinctively reached out to touch the bed beside her

Luckily, no one was there. She breathed a sigh of relief, got out of bed, and grabbed her phone to check the time. It was not too early and not too late it was already eight o’clock

After sitting on the bed for a while, Marion went to freshen up. She had noticed the night before that Lucas had made thorough preparations. Her clothes, toiletries, and even makeup and skincare products were all readily available

Just after finishing her morning routine, Marion received a cheerful morning greeting from Cassie

[Good morning, Mar! Still sleeping, huh? By the way, you have a followup appointment today! If you don’t respond in ten minutes, I might have to interrupt your morning activities!

Marion blushed at Cassie’s words. She wondered where Cassie had picked up such expressions. Afraid of receiving more embarrassing messages, Marion quickly replied: [I’m up and done washing. And don’t spread rumors we slept in separate rooms last night!

[Oh, got it! Any regrets?

Marion was speechless

[Your friend has gone offline.

Marion pocketed her phone, touched her slightly flushed earlobe, and was about to leave when the door was pushed open

Lucas stood at the doorway, one hand holding the door. The morning breeze swept over him and gently lifted the hem of his shirt. Marion caught the fragrance of crisp wood again

When he faced the light, the cold features of the man seemed to soften in the morning glow. His profound gaze met hers, revealing no discernible emotion. Are you awake, Miss Marion?He called her Miss Marion, and Marion could not help but recall the events from the previous night

Was he still upset

Marion pressed her lips together and greeted him, Good morning, Mr. Craig.” 

I have a meeting this morning. After I drop you off at the hospital, I’ll need to return to the office.He paused, brought the wheelchair, and placed it in the corridor for her. After your examination, I’ll pick you up.” 

Marion slowly approached the wheelchair and supported herself as she sat down. No need for the trouble. Youjust focus on your work. After the cast is removed, I’d like to go home for a bit.” 

As you wish.” 

He walked behind her and pushed the wheelchair forward. When they reached the staircase, he halted 

Chapter 48 Lucas Gets Angry 

and stood aside, seemingly waiting for her to stand up and descend


Marion confirmed it then that Lucas was angry. As he stood there, he showed no intention of helping her. After the lengthy conversation last night, where she tried to set clear boundaries, it seemed Lucas was ready to establish those boundaries that day

Suddenly, Lucas felt a forceful tug on the hem of his shirt

Lucas’s dark eyes flickered, and he lowered his gaze to see Marion in the wheelchair carefully pulling the hem of his shirt. When she looked up at him, he noticed that her eyes had a watery gleam

She looked quite pitiful

Mr. Craig, can you carry me downstairs?Marion who was used to being playful with Richard, now faced Lucas with a request. The tone at the end of her sentence sounded almost like a plea


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