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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 5

Chapter 5

At the wedding, Jameson abruptly fled the scene, and later, intimate photos of him and Sally were captured by onlookers. Overnight, Marion went from being the envy of everyone to becoming the laughingstock of all.

“Oh, I thought their relationship was so great. Twelve years of being childhood sweethearts! Turns out it was all one-sided wishful thinking by Marion”

“Maybe the most tragic bride in history? The groom ran away, and she chased after him only to get into a car accident. Now she’s lying in the hospital! Truly a double blow to body and soul!”

“This is what a marriage alliance is like. How much real emotion is there? They’ve known each other for so many years. If Jameson had even a fraction of feelings for Marion, he wouldn’t have run away at this crucial moment! I even suspect Jameson deliberately sought revenge on Marion!”

Whether online or in real life, Cassie could see people discussing Marion’s tragedy so openly. Fearing that Marion might take it badly, Cassie hid the phones and tablets that day.

Marion was aware of her friend’s actions but did not ask for the phone. Instead, she asked Cassie to read aloud the malicious comments and posts in her friends’ circles.

Upon hearing Marion’s request, Cassie thought her friend had lost her mind. “Marion, are you crazy? Those women have nothing nice to say about any of this!”

Marion remained remarkably composed. “If I don’t listen carefully, how can I move forward?”

After twelve years, she was now awakening. It was not like she was deliberately adding salt to her wounds but she was determined not to forget this pain.

Cassie felt a pang in her chest, finding it hard to bear. “Marion, actually…”


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