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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Why Bother With All The Drama


When Marion first saw the trending topic, she did not immediately grasp the context. It was not at the forefront of the trends, but it was not buried deep either. It sat comfortably at the eleventh spot

Marion still had not fully adjusted to the nicknames netizens had given Sally 

even after all that time. It was not until her curiosity led her to click on the trend that she found out it was about Sally and Jameson

Apparently, around 2 a.m. last night, someone captured photos of Sally and 

Jameson entering a hotel room together

Not only were there photos, but there was also a short video clip

It seemed that neither of them noticed they were being followed. As soon as they entered the room, they engaged in a passionate kiss

However, the door closed shortly afterward. The events that transpired after that were easy to imagine

Yesterday, Sally tried to direct criticism towards Marion online, thinking the public’s attention was already diverted

Little did she know, the situation took an unexpected turn, and the public’s attention was still very much on them

[Oh my, isn’t Miss Sally feeling awkward? I’m feeling embarrassed on her behalf!

[Miss Marion is genuinely unlucky to encounter such a pair of cheaters! How long have they been hiding this from her?

[They claimed to be young and inexperienced just yesterday, but lo and behold, they went to a hotel room at night. They seem pretty experienced to me!

[I’m truly speechless. Is Miss Sally, the socalled emerging independent female writer, capable of producing readable content?

[Be careful. Miss Sally’s fans are not any less strong than those in the entertainment scene!

Marion read a few comments, and the car came to a halt. Evan’s voice broke into her thoughts. Miss Marion, we’ve arrived at home.” 


Chapter 57 Why Bother With All The Drama


Back home, she continued her perusal of the online drama

Perhaps Jameson had genuinely drained away every ounce of her affection, and now, when Marion saw any news related to him, she let out nothing more than a sigh and felt a lack of any deeper emotions. Seeing Sally being criticized online actually put Marion in a good mood

After having dinner, during Cassie’s lunch break, the two of them vented for over half an hour

[Mar, let’s talk later. I stayed up late reading last night, and I need some sleep!

[Sure, go ahead!] 

As Marion sent the message, Cassie suddenly bombarded her with three consecutive messages: [Could this blogger be using that bitch Sally’s purchased account? What does this have to do with you? Why bother with all the drama?

Then she sent Marion several screenshots

After looking at the screenshots, Marion finally understood what was going on. It turned out someone had written a post about her

While the blogger’s words on the surface seemed sympathetic, for some reason, after reading the entire piece, Marion felt uncomfortable

[The author is biased! They’re cursing you behind your back!] 

Cassie, the drama expert she was, quickly caught on

With Cassie’s revelation, Marion also realized what was happening and felt a surge of anger


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