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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 He Actually Believed It 

Marion and Kirk’s hot search was quickly taken down, and Kirk’s explanation came out promptly

[@MarionCartier, I apologize for unexpectedly causing trouble when I asked for your help in recording your piano accompaniment. Also, thank you all for your trust! You have my gratitude!

Kirk’s explanation quickly topped the trending list thanks to his fans, and Marion breathed a sigh of relief. Regardless, she was now carrying the title of Mrs. Craig, wife to the chairman of Radiant Group

If the matter lingered online for a day, it could have a significant impact on Lucas and his company

Marion was slightly annoyed

Kirk had such a huge fan base, and his fans were well aware of his recent preparations for a new album. The fact that Marion was the accompanying pianist for Kirk had drawn attention to them, and many fans started digging into Marion’s background

Marion rose to fame at the age of seventeen, but she remained lowkey. Apart from her peers and piano enthusiasts, her rise to fame was not particularly well- 


She had never actively marketed herself, and earlier, due to Jameson’s dislike, she even intentionally had her awardwinning trending topic suppressed by his 


Now, because of her work with Kirk, people were beginning to realize just how remarkable Marion was

[As expected! Anyone who can collaborate with Kirk is amazing! I suggest everyone go check Marion out! Don’t focus on romance dramas all day long!

[Another day of recommending Marion! I’ve been a fan of Marion for five years! I always knew she would never do anything against her principles!

[Last year’s winner of the International Tchaikovsky Award! Miss Marion is amazing! Some people are truly blind and ignorant!

However, Marion was an amateur, and the buzz around her quickly passed. During that time, entertainment company agents reached out to her to ask if she had any interest in entering the entertainment industry, but she declined all offers. Of course, all of this happened later on


Marion had had her 15 minutes of fame. Despite the fading attention, netizens revived the criticism against Sally and Jameson by continuing to berate them

Marion could not be bothered with the trivial matters of the two anymore. She put down her phone, intending to take a nap. Just as she rose from the wheelchair to lie down on the bed, her phone rang

Marion paused, kicked her shoes off, and reached over to the bedside table to grab the phone

Seeing that it was a voice call from Lucas, she hesitated for a moment but decided to answer, Mr. Craig?” 

Let’s have dinner together tonight.” 

That did not seem appropriate… 

Marion was about to refuse when he added, Help me restore my reputation.” 

Okay, Mr. Craig. Is there anything else?” 

Marion had a bit of a temper, and she still remembered their small spat from earlier

The person on the other end chuckled in a low voice, the laughter inexplicably charming. Marion instinctively raised her hand to touch her ear

Still angry?” 

I’m not angry.” 

How could she admit it

Marion grabbed a pillow and propped it behind her lower back

Hmm, you’re not angry. You just don’t reply to my messages.” 

Marion was caught off guard by his comment. She snorted. The signal is bad, and I didn’t receive it! Ah, the signal is really bad. I’ll hang up first, Mr. Craig!” 

Then she ended the call


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