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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 68

Chapter 68 Tycoons Are Ruthless 

The car was silent. I was so quiet that Marion could hear her heartbeat. Although she did not know why, she could sense that Lucas did not like her talking about divorce. Once spoken, words were like spilled waterthey cannot be retrieved no matter what one did

Marion gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and leaned her face towards him. I’m sorry, I said the wrong thing. How about you punish me to even the score?” 

As he looked at her head, Lucas suddenly felt less angry. He raised his hand and adjusted his collar. I don’t want to punish you.” 

He wanted to kiss her instead. Lucas’s dark eyes locked onto her fair face. He swallowed slightly and felt a warmth in his chest

Huh?Marion opened her eyes, glanced at him, and as she noticed that his expression had not changed, she hesitated for a moment. She thought Lucas was just being polite to her. Why not?” 

The anger he radiated seemed endless, and she had no idea when it would dissipate

Not going to punish you.” 

Please teach me a lesson, and I promise not to talk nonsense next time!” 

Marion applied the tactics she used to pacify her father to Lucas. She was not sure if Lucas would fall for it, but it was better than him staying silent with a stern face, right? After all, they were finally talking

When she noticed that he had not moved, she grabbed his wrist

Through his shirt, Lucas could feel her warm palm. Lucas glanced at his captured hand and raised an eyebrow. Not close enough. Come closer.” 

Marion looked at the space between them, which could accommodate one more person, and shifted towards him, halving the distance between them. Is it okay now?” 

Not enough.” 

She looked at the space again and moved a little closer. If she moved any further, she would have to lean against him. However, he insisted that it was still not enough, so she shifted a bit more

Her shoulder bumped directly into his which made her feel nervous. She quickly shifted to the side, looked up, and blinked at Lucas. Can you go easy on me? I’m afraid it’ll hurt!” 

Chapter 6 Tycoons Are Ruthless 

If I go easy on you, how will you learn your lesson?” 

Hearing his words, Marion’s head throbbed. He was not going to hit her hard, was he? Her father always gave her a gentle pat. It was never a real hit. Otherwise, she would not dare to make such a suggestion

Lucas lowered his head, and his gaze darkened slightly. He reached out and 

placed his hand behind her head. Marion stiffened and looked at Lucas, who suddenly leaned closer

Was he going to kiss her

No way, no way


If she pushed him away, would he get even angrier? Marion was struggling with her inner turmoil. Then she felt a hard knock on her forehead. Lucas had lowered his head and bumped into her

Marion gasped. Ouch!” 

Does it hurt?” 

Marion quickly pulled back, creating some distance between them. Finally, she could breathe again

The back of her head where he had touched her felt like it was on fire, and the warmth from the man’s wrist lingered on her neck. Marion lowered her head, swallowed nervously, and felt her heart race

The pain on her forehead brought her some clarity. She glanced at Lucas. It hurts.” 

He smiled. It was a rare sight. Will you remember the lesson?” 


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