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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 79

Chapter 79 Why Is It Impossible

Marion was still blushing as she thought about how her father had been so easily fooled

She also did not anticipate that Lucas, who appeared serious and aloof, could say such heartfelt things

She had some reluctance to leave home, but after Richard and Lucas had their hearttoheartconversation, Marion felt so uncomfortable that she just wanted to part ways quickly

Fortunately, the embarrassing moment ended quickly, and when she sat inside the car, Marion finally breathed a sigh of relief

Lucas also got into the car, and as Marion turned to look at him she met those deep black eyes. You seem eager to move into my house.” 

Marion smiled awkwardly. I just didn’t expect you to be so good at lying. You had my dad fooled.” 

Let’s go,Lucas said to his driver, and the car began to move slowly. He casually rolled up his sleeves, and nonchalantly asked, How did you know I was lying?Marion’s heart skipped a beat as he suddenly looked up at her. His gaze was intense

Or maybe everything I said was true?Lucas’s stare made it hard to look away. Marion felt her mind going blank. She swallowed slightly and found it difficult to speak

His woody scent almost overwhelmed her in the confines of the car

Under his intense gaze, Marion felt warmth spread through her entire body. It took almost half a minute before she could regain some composure

She forced a smile and avoided eye contact. How is that possible?” 

Why is it not possible?He remained composed

After the recent exchange between Lucas and her father, Marion found it surprising that the conversation could continue

She glanced at him and pulled herself together

Have you known me/to speak without having thought about it?he asked

She felt as if she had glimpsed a secret side of Lucas. You think of me as a substitute for your Sweetheart, don’t you?” 

Chapter 79 Why is it impossible


Had she just become the protagonist of his life story

The thought itself was quite thrilling

Lucas was unusually silent. He seemed to retreat into himself. You’re overthinking.” 

Seeing that he suddenly regained his dignity and aloofness, Marion felt sure that she had guessed right

She did not feel embarrassed anymore. She turned slightly, propped her hand on her leg, put her head in her hands, and blinked at the man beside her

Turning his own methods against him, she asked, How am I overthinking?Marion suspected that the reason why Lucas agreed to marry her so readily might have something to do with his unrequited love

She touched her face and said, Mr. Craig, do I have eyes or a nose like hers? Or perhaps I bear a striking resemblance in spirit?” 

Marion was excited about being a standin for this unknown woman she thought Lucas loved

As he witnessed Marion’s inexplicable excitement, Lucas swallowed nervously. He did not hold back. He reached out and pressed her back into her seat. Sit properly.” 


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