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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 81

Chapter 81 Why Are You Angry

Lucas was in disbelief, and Marion’s face instantly turned crimson. She licked her lips and was about to say something, but he had already opened the car door and stepped out

He stood by the door and looked down at her. Is your leg still hurting?” 

Marion hurriedly got out of the car. It’s not hurting anymore, you don’t need to take such pains to help me!” 

Okay.He said and took her wrist, as he moved her to the side before lifting his hand to close the car door

Don’t just stand there, come inside,he said

Marion nodded absently. “Oh.” 

She followed Lucas inside, momentarily forgetting that her right calf was not fully functional yet

After a few steps, she felt a twinge of pain

Instinctively, she took a sharp breath. Lucas, who was ahead, stopped and turned to look at her

I thought it wasn’t hurting?” 

I just didn’t-” 

Before she could finish her sentence, she was already lifted off the ground

Marion noticed that she was getting used to being carried by Lucas. She did not resist and allowed him to carry her into the villa without any protest

Lucas’s stamina was impressive. Marion did not consider herself overweight, given her height. Weighing around 100 pounds on her 55 frame, she appeared somewhat slender. Despite this, every time Lucas carried her, it seemed effortless, and his grip remained firm

As she thought about it, Marion glanced at his arms

Because he was holding her firmly, the biceps under his shirt were pressed tightly, and with just one glance, one could see the strength in them

Marion thought about his bare, welldefined arms. It was a sensual image. She imagined that his abdominal muscles would be just as attractive, would they not? She swallowed nervously and felt the heat creep up her face

When Lucas placed her on the sofa, he glanced at her. Marion felt embarrassed by 

hapter #1 Why Are You Angry

her thoughts. Thank you, Mr. Craig.” 

Lucas was indifferent to her gratitude. What do you want to drink?” 


She was thirsty. Warm water,she clarified

Lucas walked to the island and prepared warm water for her. It was only then that Marion noticed something different about this villá compared to her last visit


Marion sighed in relief. It could not be that there was only one room again, right

Lucas returned with the water and sat beside her. He watched her drink the water while she glanced around the place. He had guessed what was on her mind and smirked secretly

After a few sips of water, Marion turned to Lucas. Mr. Craig, how many rooms are there in this place?” 

How many rooms do you want?” 


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