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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 87

Chapter 87 She Tended to Hug People When She Was Drunk 

Compared to the unpleasant departure of Jameson and Ruby before their meal had even arrived, Marion and Lucas were getting along harmoniously. Following Lucas’s suggestion, Marion even had a few drinks

Her tolerance for alcohol was never great, and even with red wine, she could not handle much. However, a fancy meal without wine did lack a certain flavor

Expensive things, aside from their cost, were indeed perfect in every other aspect. Marion was very satisfied with the dinner. She only had a few sips of the white wine, but the half glass of red wine with the main course seemed to miraculously disappear

When she finally realized it, her cheeks had already turned a bright shade of red

Lucas, who sat across from her, had finished his meal long ago. When she looked at him, he raised his eyebrows, and the dense eyelashes cast a shadow under his eyes. It made his black gaze even darker

Full?he asked

Marion nodded, I can’t eat this pudding anymore. Can we get it packed?” 

I’ll have someone pack it,he said, then waved a waiter over

Marion hiccupped as she met Lucas’s gaze. She felt her face getting even redder. I’ll go touch up my makeup,she said

With that, she grabbed her bag and left the table. If her right calf had fully recovered, Marion might have considered running away. It was so embarrassing

Ruby had just come out of the restroom when she saw Marion limping over

She squinted thoughtfully but did not greet Ruby. She pretended not to see her as she went inside the restroom

Her lipstick was already gone, and the red on her face could not be concealed by makeup

Marion knew the alcohol was starting to affect her

She was feeling tipsy

Cassie mentioned that she tended to hug people when she was drunk. Marion shuddered at the thought of herself hugging Lucas in a drunken state. To avoid any drunken antics, she decided to wash her face. She wanted to remain composed at least until she got home

Chapter 87 She Tended to Hug People When She Was Drunk 


Marion was relieved that her makeup was not too heavy that evening. She had not applied much eye makeup, and her eyeliner was waterproof. The cool sensation of water on her face helped her feel more alert

Looking at herself in the mirror, Marion noticed no significant change in her makeup. Good. She grabbed a tissue from the side and gently dabbed away the water on her face

Satisfied with her appearance, Marion entered one of the stalls. She was afraid that if she got drunk later, she might end up telling Lucas that she needed to use the restroom. That was a scenario she dared not imagine

After finishing her business, Marion washed her face once more. Although her makeup covered her face, the signs of intoxication were undeniable

She was getting drunk

Marion quickly picked up her bag, determined to maintain her sobriety for a little longer. The restroom was located towards the inner side of the restaurant. Marion had to walk about three or four meters through the lobby to return to the 


As she entered the lobby, she saw Lucas waiting for her with a wheelchair. Marion hastened her steps to join him. However, walking too fast was not the best idea

Marion suddenly lost her footing. Her healthy left leg slipped, and she started to lose her balance. In her panic, she tried to grab onto something to steady herself, but she failed to catch anything. It seemed she was about to fall onto a passing food cart when her wrist was abruptly tugged, pulling her back

Marion’s face nearly collided with Lucas’s chest. The scent of sandalwood mixed with a faint aroma of white wine surrounded her, instantly filling her senses

Is it nice?Lucas asked

His warm breath brushed against her forehead, and Marion felt her face growing even hotter

Only then did she realize her hand was gripping Lucas’s collar. She had 


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