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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 80

Friday’s POV

“They call me Prophetess,” said the creepy little girl.

“Ok,” I mumbled.

“They keep sending amateurs to do the work of an expert,” said Prophetess.

I realised something. Prophetess’ smell made my nose burn a little. It was sterile and sharp like the scent of bleach with a hint of lemon.

She’s a made vampire! said my wolf.

Before I could even react, something sharp pierced my th!gh through the dress. I jumped, shrieking. I looked down and sp0tted a syringe with its needle stuck in my leg through the fabric of the dress. A small sp0t of bl00d denoted its placement. I gazed at Prophetess feeling my limbs going limp as all my muscles relaxed at once. I fell to the ground, still aware of everything but unable to move. Could I still mind-link?

Thaddeus! Maze! Help me please! I cried.

Thaddeus’ POV

I was waiting patiently for my delectable little Luna to show me yet another dress she looked beautiful in. It was hard to decide on a favourite one. She looked so pretty in all of them. I was on my third glass of Champagne when a lancing pain shot through my stomach. I started to sweat. I was tremulous. I fell out of the armchair and onto my knees. I looked over and saw Maze’s champagne glass slip out of his hands and shatter on the floor. We had been drugged? Or poisoned?

Oh no! Was this planned by Ezekiel or Farris?! My Friday! I heard a muffled shriek. FRIDAY?!

I was too weak to even form a mind-link. I had slumped onto the floor, my cheek against the cold marble. Maze had only had one glass. He seemed to have more of his wits about him. It must have been the champagne that had been tampered with.

“What did you do?!” He snarled venomously at Madame.

“Forgive me, Alpha, they promised me something I couldn’t resist!” Said Madame defensively. The shop girls were on the far end of the room, clearly in on it but afraid of two angry alphas though we were incredibly weakened by whatever had been slipped into our drinks. Maze was trying to stand up. He did so shakily.

“They promised me everlasting youth! They can make me look like twenty-one again!” Said Madame excitedly.

“You would risk centuries of your family’s hard work to build a reputation just to all sell it away over some anti-aging product?” I managed to growl as I fought to get up.

I had to get to Friday.

The doors to the boutique burst open and over a dozen vampires walked in. This would be a piece of cake normally but not when I’d just been poisoned. Maze roared in rage. In a move that shocked even me, Maze rushed towards Madame, cupped her face in his large hands and swiftly turned her head, snapping her neck. The vampires recoiled a little at this show of strength despite being poisoned or drugged. One of the vampire warriors shot Maze in the leg with a tranquilliser dart. Maze ripped it out at lightening speed and jammed it into the eye of the shooter. Blood spurted from the socket and he let out a bl00d curdling scream.

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I could fight the poison better in my wolf form so I shifted, shredding my clothes. The vampires began shooting more tranquilliser darts. Why did they want us asleep instead of dead? I spoke too soon because one vamp pulled out a gun with silver wolfsbane-dipped bullets. I lunged at this one and chomped on his leg, making him drop the gun. I tore at the arm of another who reached for the gun. All of my muscles were aching. I ran over to Maze. The adrenaline and the increased body mass from shifting was lessening the drug’s effects but I was still very weary. Maze climbed on my back and I ran to the back room as fast as I could.

Friday was gone! My roar shook the mountains. She was gone. Gone. The vampires ran into the back room. I saw red. I tore and ripped out every throat I could find. It was all useless! It wouldn’t bring Friday back! Where had they taken her?!

“Stop!”instructed Maze, still atop my back, helping me fight by throwing punches and actually tossing people across the room while I chomped on whoever I could. “Don’t k!ll this one,” he said, indicating the last trembling guy. “He’s our only lead!”

Maze was right. We needed information and we could extract it from him. The shop girls had all ran off somewhere. Madame lay dead on the floor next to eight others. Her death had been the cleanest and most merciful. She was relatively unscathed. She had dressed my mother! How could she do this to me?!

Backup arrived. Apparently Raelynn had sensed something was wrong with Friday. The ambulance and several warrior squads arrived. The pack doctor in the ambulance suspected that the usual suspect, wolfsbane, had been added to the champagne. Raelynn was beside herself with worry over Friday whom she could not pick up on right now. I sighed placing my head in my hands as Maze and I were put in the back of the ambulance. We both began receiving intravenous fluids to dilute the poison in our bl00dstreams. We had the antidote for wolfsbane back at the pack house infirmary. I ordered the guards back at the store to comb the area just to make sure Friday wasn’t there. I sighed, holding back tears. Maze put an arm around my shoulders.

“We’re gonna find her, Thaddeus! We’re gonna find her and bring her back!” He said as if trying to convince himself too. I could see his eyes were brimming with tears too. My wolf howled mournfully as the ambulance raced away from the last place I’d seen my Friday.

Katrina’s POV

The twins and I were eating a variety of Nymph delicacies. These included fried seaweed dipped with nectar as a dipping sauce, tree bark chocolate truffles and mixed berry salad with goat cheese. These were a far cry from what I usually ate but they all tasted surprisingly good. Fallon and Fargo were sitting on the same side as me. Being between my mates or my two predestined was a bit overwhelming. My heart was racing.

“Are you okay?” Asked Fallon softly, tucking a few blond strands behind my ear. He was the gentler of the two.


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