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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 477

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 477 I Only Want You 

Lysander recoiled in fright. What are you doing!” 

From the gap between the blanket and the pillow, Josiah pulled out an item, approximately the size of a matchbox

It seemed to be a small card

Josiah frowned. What is this?” 

Lysander had never seen this object before. How would I know

You’re telling me you didn’t know this was under your own blanket?” 

It could be that housekeeping didn’t clean this room properly. It must be something left over from the previous guest.” 

Josiah held the piece of paper in his hand, lifting it to examine it back and forth. The paper itself was nothing special. On it were four lines of handwritten words

May the heavens guide you on a smooth path

May fate allow you to meet kindhearted people 

May the distant sunlight and the brilliant

lights illuminate every bit of your future

The words were written in cursive, but it was evident at first glance that it was penned by a man

Lysander furrowed her brow. What exactly is it?” 

Hold on a second.Josiah flipped the piece of paper over, placing it before her eyes. Do you recognize this handwriting?” 

Lysander glanced at it, then turned her face away without uttering word

Judging by your reaction, it must have been Adrian who wrote it for you, right?” 

Lysander said, I have no idea, nor do I understand how this item ended up on my bed.” 

Josiah held the piece of paper between two fingers, waving it nonchalantly. He probably slipped it into your clothes when you weren’t aware. It must have fallen out when you were changing or taking off your clothes

Either way, I don’t know anything.Lysander retorted. Even if it was, it was just Dr. Sutton being kind. He knew I was going on a business trip and probably wrote this as a kind gesture of well wishes.” 

Well wishes?” 

What else can it be? Which of these sentences carries any hint of romantic feelings?” 

Josiah expressed his doubts, I get the feeling it’s not that simple.” 



Chapter 477 1 Only Want You 

You’re judging a noble person with a petty mind.” 

Josiah picked up his phone, swiped to unlock, typed in, and began his search

A moment later, he let out a cold laugh

Lysander frowned, baffled at his response

Josiah tapped on his phone

A rock singer’s baritone voice unexpectedly began to croon a melodious tune. It was a mix of slight anguish and a hint of lament, but above all, it was filled with melancholy

What song is this?” 

Before she could even finish speaking, the slightly weathered voice of Fabius Zagato began to sing slowly, No matter how far away you are, even if you’ve changed, even if you’ve forgotten me, you will always be the girl I love.” 

Lysander was lost for words

I knew it. There’s no way that Adrian would simply be wishing you well.” 

Lysander stretched out her hand from under the blanket. Let me see.” 

Josiah held the card up high, out of her reach, and promptly lit it on fire with a lighter

Lysander was furious. You” 

The slip of paper wasn’t large, and it was swiftly consumed by the flames

Lysander said, Don’t just throw it away anywhere you please as there are a lot of flammable items in this room. Let’s not create more trouble for the staff.” 

Josiah studied her intently for a moment, then, with a flick of his fingers, he tightly clenched the small card along with the flames into his palm

Lysander was slightly taken aback

By the time he opened his palm again, the flames had completely extinguished

He lightly clapped his hands, revealing them to be covered in the ashes

What are you looking at?He leaned forward, pulling a tissue from the box on the bedside table, and slowly wiped his hands

Wasn’t it hot?” 

Josiah said irritably. It’s not like I haven’t been burned by fire before.” 

Lysander licked her lips and sighed. How are the burns on your back doing now?” 

Do you want to take a look?” 

Ingish hepan unbuttoning his chirt 



Chapter 4771 Only Want Your 

Lysander quickly intervened, No need! I don’t want to see it.” 

Josiah let out a chuckle, not continuing any further. Instead, he gently lowered himself, his forearms supporting him on either side of her body. He drew closer to her, his voice carrying a hint of solemnity as he said, Lysander, let’s start over.” 

Lysander shook her head slowly yet firmly. No.” 

I’m being serious, but you don’t seem to believe me.” 

That’s right.” 

Josiah gave a bitter smile, In that case, try to see it from a different perspective. You don’t have to forgive me nor even like me; just consider me a tool.” 

Lysander frowned and said, I don’t understand.” 

Aren’t you planning on taking over Thorne Constructions and Energies? If you’re short on funds, consider me your personal ATM: if you’re lacking connections, regard me as your headhunter; if you’re inexperienced, treat me as your free oneonone consultant. If you’re upset, feel free to vent at me; if you’re unwell, command me to take care of you. Oh, and don’t forget about your dog. Whatever it needs, you can come to me. In any case, don’t give Adrian another chance to get close to you.” 

Really? I can even come to you for dogrelated matters? Then can I reach out to you if I want to breed a dog?” 

All right, I’ll head to the vet laterJosiah only then realized something was off about her statement. His expression shifted subtly, and he pinched her nose in annoyance. Getting brave, are we?” 

Just a moment ago, in her rush to grab the piece of paper, she had extended one of her arms. Now, it was conveniently positioned outside, ready to come to the rescue of her nose

I told you, my nose is stuffed up. Stop pinching it!” 

Josiah released his hold, opting instead to gently pinch her cheek. People always say that a girl changes drastically when she turns eighteen. I didn’t believe it before, but now, you’re nothing like the little girl you 

used to be.” 

Lysander frowned and pushed his hand away. Can you stop being so handsy?” 

His gentle pinch left her petite face slightly flushed. In the dimly lit hotel room, every time she furrowed her brows, her eyelashes cast an endearing shadow on her face


eyes gleamed even brighter, and before she could react, he planted a kiss on her lips

Then I’ll use my mouth.” 


No sooner had she uttered a single word than his lips were descending upon hers again

This time, Lysander reacted swiftly, quickly covering her mouth

His kiss landed on the back of her hand



Chapter 477 1 Only Want You 

However, he wasn’t upset. Once he noticed, he began to gently and meticulously continue kissing the back of her hand

Every nook and cranny, every inch of skin

After a kiss was planted, he was reluctant to pull away. His moist lips lingered on her skin, finding a new spot to bestow another kiss

He went delicately from the back of her hand to her fingertips

The places he had kissed were slightly cool, while those currently under his lips were burning hot. This cycle of hot and cold left her trembling subtly

In the end, he gently 


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