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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 485

Chapter 485 The Typical Behavior Of A Boss

The girl felt a pang of sympathy for Lysander and tried to comfort her, saying, I’ve heard that Mr. Guerra- is quite strict, but that’s just how bosses are, you know? Don’t take it to heart. If you’re really upset, make a voodoo doll of him! Trust me, it’s a great stress reliever.” 

A warmth filled Lysander’s heart. Thank you,she said

No worries, we’re all just employees trying to make a living, no need for any formalities. I came here alone this time as well. It just so happens we get along pretty well. By the way, which room are you staying in? Maybe I’ll swing by tonight, and we can vent about those bloodsucking bosses who work us to the 


The people who attended the summit generally stayed in hotels arranged by the summit organizers

Only Josiah and her were the exceptions

Lysander said, I have something to do tonight.” 

Seriously? You’re already out on a business trip, and they’re still making you work overtime? Sure, the pay at Guerra Group is high, but it’s no different from modernday slavery.” 

Lysander nodded with a smile

A few minutes had passed before Josiah entered

As he was the most influential figure at the venue, he captured everyone’s attention the moment he walked in

Tiffany was no longer by his side. He sat alone in the huge area of Zone A as if it was his own domain

With that, the summit continued

After having breakfast, Lysander felt much more energetic. She was focused on the speeches given by the various titans of the industry, learning what she could and taking notes on what she didn’t understand to look up later

The day was filled with meetings, giving her a sense of fulfillment

When the afternoon came to a close, Tiffany returned

Lysander intentionally delayed her exit from the venue, and as soon as she stepped out, she saw Tiffany engaged in a lively conversation with Josiah


Lysander hummed in acknowledgment

Josiah said, Alright, everyone’s here. Let’s get in the car.” 

Tiffany asked, Jose, are we staying at the same hotel as last night?” 



Josiah used his car keys to unlock the vehicle, pulling the door open before sliding into the driver’s seat. Get in. We’ll talk about it once we’re back.” 

Lysander found his smile a little unsettling

However, with Tiffany present, she didn’t want to engage in much conversation with Josiah. As soon as she got in the car, she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep

Along the way, Tiffany started sharing her observations from the day. Apex City is really crowded, even visiting a park requires lining up.” 

Josiah asked, Which park did you go to?” 

The Summer Garden, but my oh my, it was truly a sight to behold! I walked around so much that my feet began to ache. However, it was indeed worth the visit. Today, I even encountered a tour group there and listened to quite a few interesting explanations” 

Josiah said, Tiffany.” 


Lower your voice.” 

Tiffany quickly realized what was happening and asked in a hushed tone, Is Lysander asleep?” 

Let her rest for a while.” 

Tiffany sealed her lips shut, making an OKgesture with her hand

Throughout the remainder of the journey, the car was enveloped in a profound silence. Josiah, aside from stealing a few glances at Lysander, showed no further reaction. This allowed Lysander to relax, leaning back in her seat to rest her eyes

The traffic increased as they drove deeper into the city, causing their car to slow down gradually

As Lysander was on the verge of sleep, fretting over the possibility of messing up her hair, Tiffany suddenly tugged at the corner of her dress and asked, Lysander, are you awake?” 

Mmmhmm, Lysander responded

She had barely slept the previous night. Now, she was past the point of exhaustion, feeling as if she was halfdead, but sleep still eluded her. At most, she could only rest with her eyes closed

However, since Josiah had already said so, she was more than happy to rest and rejuvenate

Anyone could tell from Tiffany’s timid tone that she was been feeling rather embarrassed at that moment. She whispered her gratitude to Lysander, Lysander, last night was such a rush. I didn’t even get a chance to thank you.” 

Lysander was somewhat dazed,/What?” 

Seeing that she seemed to have forgotten, Tiffany reminded her in a sheepish voice, You helped me by calling the front desk for sanitary pads. I was too shy to ask for them myself, and Jose couldn’t get any either. If it weren’t for your willingness to help, I would have had to wait in the restroom for God knows how long.” 



Chapter 485 The Typical Behavior Of A Boss 

Upon hearing this, Lysander couldn’t help but open her eyes. She saw Tiffany’s blushing face, the latter’s fingers nervously twisted together. A wave of allection for Tiffany welled up in her. With a serious tone, she said, Menstruation is a normal physiological phenomenon for women. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” 

The presence of Josiah, a man, in the car, didn’t affect her ability to speak her mind. She said what she wanted to say, irrespective of his presence

Upon hearing these words, Tiffany’s immediate reaction was embarrassment. She lowered her head and murmured, But if others find out about this, they will ridicule me.” 

Lysander playfully asked with a smile, Has anyone ever teased you about it before?” 

Tiffany nodded, her voice soft. Back in school, whenever the boys in class saw a girl with a sanitary pad, they would make a fuss.” 

Is it the same abroad?” 


No wonder a wealthy young lady like her has developed such a gentle nature

Lysander encouraged her, Don’t worry about what others think. This is a normal physiological process that every girl goes through. There’s no need to feel ashamed.” 

Timidly, Tiffany gave a slight nod

In the future, if you encounter such a situation, you can call the hotel front desk or seek assistance from a female staff member. Everyone will be willing to help you.” 

Ah, if only I had a boyfriend. I could have asked him to help with the shopping.” 

Tiffany was at an age where the topic of love was most intriguing to her. She turned to Lysander and asked, Lysander, has your boyfriend ever bought you sanitary pads?” 

I don’t have a boyfriend.” 


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