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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 518

Chapter 518 Not Wanting To Break Promise 

The expression on Tiffany’s face changed instantly

However, Josiah had already left, carrying Lysander without even looking back

Upon returning to her room, Lysander was still plagued by a severe headache

The moment the room door swung open, she staggered to her feet, struggling to keep her balance. She pushed the bathroom door open and was immediately engulfed in another bout of violent retching

Seeing her in such distress, Josiah immediately pulled out his phone and began to make a call

Lysander turned on the faucet and rinsed herself off before asking him, Who are you calling?” 

  1. 911

I don’t need an ambulance for something so minor. Let’s not waste medical resources.” 

Josiah looked at her, remaining silent for several seconds

He disagreed with what she said, but he had no choice but to follow her instructions

Lysander walked out of the bathroom and headed to the living room, where she sat down on the couch to 


Josiah pulled out a few sheets of paper and sat down next to her. He gently wiped the sweat from her forehead. What exactly is going on? How did you suddenly become so unwell?” 

Perhaps I’ve been too worn out lately.Lysander wanted to take the tissue from Josiah’s hand, but he wouldn’t allow it

Stay put. I’ll handle this,” he said

Lysander was truly in distress, lacking the energy to argue with him 

Josiah said gently. This doesn’t seem like a case of low blood sugar It’s too severe for that. Did you eat something that didn’t agree with you?” 

Lysander replied irritably. I had dinner from your hotel last night. Mr. Guerra, is the food hygiene at your hotel up to standard?” 

I’ll have the hotel’s food and beverage department conduct a selfinspection.” 

Lysander waved her hand dismissively

Based on her experience, she concluded that her illness probably wasn’t due to eating spoiled food

There was no need to further trouble the workers

So, what do you think is the reason?” 

Lysander’s eyes flickered briefly, then she looked downward. I’m not sure. Let’s wait and observe a bit longer. It might improve soon.” 


23:52 Sun, 9 Jun 

Chapter 518 Not Wanting To Break Promise 

Should we go to the hospital?” 

My parents and Michelle are all at the hospital right now. If my dad sees you, he’d probably want to beat you up on the spot.” 

Let him hit, then.” Josiah stood up, ready to help Lysander up. Your health used to be so good. You could even pull several allnighters without any issues. However, after one trip to Apex City, you’ve had the flu and a fever, and since coming back, you’ve started experiencing unexplained dizziness and vomiting. What on earth is going on?” 

Who knows?” 

Holding her hand, he paused slightly, a faint tremor in his grip. Could this be the complications from the improper postabortion care last time?” 

Lysander pulled away from his grasp and settled herself on the couch to rest. No. Daphne took really good care of me.” 

Due to perspiration, her stray strands of hair were plastered on her forehead. Not to mention, they were recently further tousled by a tissue, causing her to appear disheveled

She felt a gentle, large hand tentatively brushing away her stray hairs, neatly tucking them in place

“Are you feeling any better?” 


You know how to diagnose through palpation, right? Why don’t you try it on yourself and see what’s wrong?” 

Upon hearing that, Lysander slowly opened her eyes

Josiah asked anxiously, What’s the matter?” 

Where’s Aurora?” 

I had Daphne look after him first.Josiah understood her intentions. I’ll go bring the child back. Can you manage on your own?” 


Josiah poured her a cup of hot water and placed it on the coffee table, then swiftly picked up his phone and left through the door

Roughly after ten minutes or so, Josiah returned cradling Aurora with one hand and another carrying a bag

The moment Aurora saw Lysander, he broke into laughter and squirmed restlessly in Josiah’s arm, insisting on being held by Lysander

Josiah pulled her closer into his embrace, giving her a little rub before handing the bag he was holding to Lysander. Whether it’s a case of low blood sugar or not, you should have one first.” 

Only then did Lysander clearly see that Josiah had brought back a bag of Jolly Rancher lollipops, not to mention in loose packets


23:52 Sun, 9 Jun

Chapter 518 Not Wanting To Break Promise 

Does this upscale hotel actually sell this?” 

Josiah’s expression was a bit odd. Yes.” 

Lysander found an originalflavored one, unwrapped it, and popped it into her mouth

Where’s Daphne?” 

She’s gone back, saying she’d return once Nieva had descended the mountain.” 

Lysander nodded. What about Tiffany and Lysanne?” 

At the mention of those two individuals, Josiah hesitated for a moment before replying, I’ll soon announce a joint statement with Riveron Corporation to break off my engagement with Tiffany.” 

Lysander remained silent

It was as if Josiah could see through her thoughts. He softly said, Having been through it once, I won’t be deceived a second time.” 

Suddenly, Lysander became a bit curious. Who are you talking about?” 

You know who I’m talking about.” Josiah said. Take a good rest today. You can start learning again. tomorrow. After all, I’ll always be here. There’s no rush.” 

So, you really aren’t planning on going back to work during this period?” 

I’m staying where you are. I made a promise to you to be at your beck and call twentyfourseven. This time, I don’t want to break my promise again.” 

Lysander asked, What if I decide to go back to being a doctor in the future?” 

In that case, I’ll pick you up and drop you off from work, come rain or shine, just like before.” 

What if I were to go provide medical services in rural areas?” 

How long will you be there?” 

A minimum of two years usually.” 

Without a moment of hesitation, Josiah said. I’ll go with you, then.” 

Lysander chuckled softly. How could a man like him, who has lived a life of privilege all his life, possibly adapt to such harsh conditions? He won’t last more than a few days

That night, Lysander had a particularly restless sleep

Throughout the night, she was jolted awake several times by her dreams, which featured either a bloody showdown between cops and robbers or a grand escape through the desert

Every time she woke up, she was always covered in a thin layer of sweat


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