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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 525


The Charming ExWife- 

Chapter 525 Not Understanding Own Heart 

Before Josiah could voice his opinion, a hurried figure came walking over from the other side of the path

This man was tall, possessing a sharply defined face, and wearing a cooltoned suit. It wasn’t strange for a man like him to appear at a hotel that also offered business party services

What was attention drawing was his demeanor, which was so icy it could freeze someone to death, even in the peak of summer

The garden pathway was far from spacious. After a short distance, both parties were bound to run into each other

Lysander cradled Aurora in her arms, believing that it was better to avoid unnecessary trouble. She subtly moved back to make way for the man

The man was heading straight toward them, ultimately stopping beside them. As the distance closed, somber aura around his brows became even more pronounced

Lysander was taken aback, instinctively shielding Aurora in her arms


With a shaky glance, Aurora looked at the man. A second later, she cried loudly, her large tears soaking the palm Lysander’s palm

Lysander quickly shifted Aurora’s position, nestling the latter’s small face into her chest and comforting. Don’t cry. Everything is okay.” 

Josiah took a step forward, positioning himself between them and the newcomer. Mr. Cortez.” 

Upon hearing the loud wails of Aurora, the newcomer spoke with an unchanging expression. Mr. Guerra, I didn’t expect to find you here.” 

They know each other? Lysander looked at the newcomer with a hint of surprise while gently patting Aurora’s back

Aurora nestled into Lysander’s warm embrace, no longer able to see the person who had frightened her. Her cries gradually subsided, leaving behind only the occasional hiccup

Josiah glanced back with concern, ensuring Aurora wasn’t frightened before responding, Mr. Cortez, you scared Aurora.” 

The man casually remarked, I apologize for the scary appearance I was born with.” 

The man was actually not unattractive. Quite the contrary, his facial features were rather pleasing to the 


His demeanor was simply too striking, inciting a subconscious sense of intimidation that made it difficult to observe his eyes and brows closely

Lysander subtly turned around, taking a careful look

The person in question had an ashen complexion, bordering on the unhealthy side of white, but was far from frail. Tall in stature, the man had a habit of pursing his lips when silent. His overall demeanor was akin to a cold, venomous/snake, seemingly dropping the surrounding temperature by a few degrees. No 


Chapter 525 Not Understanding Own Heart 

The visitor carried on nonchalantly, making small talk with Josiah. It’s been a while since we last met, Mr. Guerra. It seems you’ve had a child. Congratulations.” 

With a slight frown, Josiah asked, Don’t you know her?” 

He didn’t even bother to glance sideways, simply asking, Could it be the grandchild of the Fuller family?” 

Josiah took a deep breath, his demeanor becoming somewhat heavy. This is your daughter.” 

Lysander was stunned. If he’s Aurora’s father, he must be Elio

Elio Cortez appeared quite composed, his expression still icy cold. Is that so?” 

Josiah’s eyes were filled with disapproval, but he didn’t voice his thoughts. Instead, he waited for what Elio would say next

Elio glanced around before asking, Where is Nieva? I urgently need to speak with her.” 

She went on a mountain trip, so we’ve been looking after Aurora for the past few days,Josiah explained succinctly

Elio nodded. I’ll be going then. See you later.” 

After saying that, he truly turned around and left, never once inquiring about his daughter and Nieva’s situation. It was as if they were mere strangers who had met by chance

Lysander held Aurora, watching him walk away until he was out of sight. Deep down, she felt a chill on behalf of Nieva

Josiah didn’t utter a word, yet his expression was notably serious

Aurora had no recollection of Elio. Once she saw that frightening individual leave, she finally dared to peek her little head out from Lysander’s embrace. However, she still seemed somewhat scared, pouting as she retreated further into Lysander’s arms

Lysander lifted her hand, tenderly wiping away the tear stains that lingered at the corner of the child’s 


Josiah approached them, his demeanor noticeably softer than before as he expressed his concern, Is Aurora still scared?” 

Lysander gazed at Aurora, expressing softly, Not anymore.” 

Josiah lifted his broad, warm hand, adjusting the little hat that had slipped askew on Aurora’s head

Upon seeing Aurora’s smile, Lysander felt a pang of sorrow in her heart. Thankfully, this child still has a mother who loves her dearly. As for Elio, hopefully he can do as you said, and refrain from disturbing their peaceful life again.” 

A similar ordeal had forged a bond between her and Nieva, uniting them against a common threat

Josiah’s gaze grew heavy, but he said nothing

Lysander spoke up more than before, expressing sorrow on behalf of Aurora. It was surprising to find that Ms. Lionhart was so lively and cheerful. In contrast, Elio turned out to be such a cold and aloof person

23:53 Sun, 9 Jun 

Chapter 525 Not Understanding Own Heart 

Their names really don’t match their personalities. Is it really Ms. Lionhart who chose him? What could she possibly have seen in him?TM 


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