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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 531

Chapter 531 Josiah In Danger 

If that ruckus continued, more than half of the hotel’s guests would come out to see what was happening 

Lysander steeled herself and said, I’ll take him next door and explain things properly.” 

Josiah stopped her. Let me go instead. You take care of Aurora.” 

With the both of them by Aurora’s side and after a peaceful sleep the night before, there was no immediate sign of her impending wailing. Aurora was still opening its mouth in a blissful, silly grin

Then, she turned to Josiah and articulated clearly, Daddy.” 

Lysander felt a chill run through her scalp. If my father hears thisJosiah is in danger

Josiah, on the other hand, was quite all right. He gently teased Aurora by poking her cheek with a light laugh. 

Lysander held Aurora tightly, continually comforting the latter. At the same time, she got up from the edge of the bed and moved to stand in front of the table

Josiah hastily tidied himself up, striding quickly to open the door. He was greeted by the sight of Maverick’s red, angry face. He greeted politely, Mr. Thorne- 

Maverick wore a stern expression. Where’s Lysa?” 

Josiah swiftly stepped aside, allowing Maverick to see Lysander

Lysander braced herself before greeting Maverick. Dad, what brings you here?” 

Lysander had slept fully clothed last night, so all she needed to do was to tidy up her hair a bit. However, the signs that someone had slept in the bed could not be erased in such a short span of time

Also, she was holding a baby in her arms, and there were baby supplies scattered on the couch and coffee table. The scene appeared quite chaotic

Maverick’s hand, poised to knock on the door, froze midair. In an instant, his pupils constricted sharply. He was so shocked that he was rendered speechless.. 

The surrounding staff remained as quiet as a mouse, not even daring to breathe

Josiah ordered, Everyone, return to work.” 

All the staff immediately scattered

The area in front of the room was eerily silent

Lysander felt a storm brewing, stepping forward to explain. Dad, let’s talk inside. Things aren’t as you think-” 

Before she could finish speaking, Maverick raised his hand, which was previously suspended in midair, and threw a fierce punch toward Josiah

Josiah had mentally prepared himself beforehand. He didn’t dodge or hide. Instead, he took the punch 


Chapter 531 Josiah In Danger 

His body wavered, and he barely managed to steady himself by leaning on the low cabinet beside him

Maverick pointed at him and cursed, I warned you before! You can live your luxurious life alone! The Thorne family isn’t interested! Why are you still bothering my Lysa? Today, I’ll beat the life out of you!” 

Lysander was startled and quickly pleaded, Dad, please calm down” 

Maverick was already blinded by rage. The more he looked at Josiah, who he thought was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, the angrier he became. Ignoring all reason, he once again picked up the shoechanging stool that was set aside, and without a second thought, he hurled it down

The stool was made of wood, and if it hit someone, it could genuinely draw blood

Maverick began to move, and Lysander was utterly powerless to stop him. All she could do was watch helplessly as the chair came crashing down

Yet, Josiah remained unmoved

Accompanied by a dull thud. Josiah stumbled back several steps and collided directly with the wall behind 


The chair smashed into his shoulder, instantly falling apart and crashing onto the ground with a clatter

The situation had already spiraled out of control

Terrified. Aurora reached out her tiny hand, gripping onto Lysander’s clothes. The baby was on the verge of tears, whimpering softly

Lysander was determined to protect Aurora, but what happened was frightening. Blood had begun to trickle from Josiah’s forehead, winding down from his temple in a startling shade of crimson

Maverick was not yet satisfied. He grabbed whatever was within his reach and hurled it all toward Josiah without a second thought

If things continued that way, Josiah could lose his life

Lysander didn’t want Maverick to get into trouble because of her

She wanted to put Aurora back on the bed and stop her father, but the moment Aurora left her arms, the latter burst into tears, clearly frightened by the scene before it 

Lysander watched with alarm, fearing a disaster was about to occur. However, she was hindered by Aurora. and could only repeatedly plead, Dad, please don’t do this” 

Throughout the ordeal, Josiah never retaliated. He only raised his arms to shield his vital areas. Nonetheless, he still took several solid hits, with a fresh, bleeding wound added to his brow. He said, It’s all right, Lysander. You don’t need to worry.” 

Maverick was so furious that his hands were trembling. His words were disjointed, and he could hardly form a complete sentence. Holding onto a stool, he asked Lysander in disbelief. This childThe child is” 

He nearly didn’t catch his breath

Lysander quickly clarified. She’s the daughter of my friend, who went mountain climbing. My friend 


Chapter 531 Josiah In Danger 

asked us to look after her for a couple of days. Dad, please calm down. You’ve scared Aurora into crying 

Aurora was crying so hard that she could hardly catch her breath, with large tears streaming down her 


Upon seeing such a small child cry so pitifully, Maverick felt his heart softened. He put down the stool he had been holding with a thud. A friend’s child?” 

“Yeah,replied Lysander

Which friend? Daphne?” 

You don’t know her. She’s a business acquaintance, surname Lionhart. She later collaborated with Daphne’s family company.” 

Maverick was still somewhat skeptical. You’ve never mentioned this friend surnamed Lionhart before. have you?” 

Lysander was helpless. Do you really think I could have gone to Apex City, and in less than ten days. somehow have a fully grown child?” 

She gently pushed Aurora toward Maverick, ensuring he had a good look

Aurora was already half a year old and looked very different from a newborn

Only then did Maverick truly believe Lysander’s words


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