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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 549

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 549 The Story Sounds Familiar 

Josiah had recently suffered Maverick’s verbal abuse and took Daphne’s hostility in his stride, not letting it bother him

I sec.Nieva said with a hint of interest while nodding her head. So, does his securing my investment for you lessen your dislike for him a little?” 

Daphine pouted. Business is business, but I still strongly disagree with him pursuing Lysander.” 

Hmm. Mr. Guerra, did you hear that? You’ve got a long and difficult task ahead of you!” 

Josiah rubbed his temples. I’m working on it. I know I’ve made mistakes, so I have to correct them. Only by showing others that I’ve changed can I gain their acceptance.” 

Lysander didn’t have the time to pay him any attention. Instead, she noticed a hint of reluctance in Nieva’s smile

Hiking would usually allow one to relax and unwind, but compared to before she left, she seemed to have acquired a subtle hint of melancholy

Ms. Lionhart,Lysander carefully began, Actually, I saw someone at the hotel last night.” 

Who is it?” 

This time, it was Josiah who responded, Elio.” 

The smile on Nieva’s face vanished instantly. She lifted her coffee and took a sip, a bitter taste lingering. What did he tell you?she asked

Lysander’s voice showed a hint of concern. He said he needed to see you urgently. When he couldn’t find you, he left in a hurry. Did he manage to reach you?” 

Yeah.Nieva put down her cup, then playfully covered Aurora’s ears. Her voice dripped with sarcasm as she said, He’s the sort who won’t stop until he gets what he wants. If he traveled all this way to find me, he has to see me no matter what.” 

Josiah felt that Elio was like a puzzle he couldn’t solve, probing further, What exactly did he want from you?” 

Daphne became increasingly anxious, fearing that the trouble was indeed caused by her contract

It’s a cause for celebration.” After taking a bite of her dessert, Nieva managed to regain some semblance of a smile. I reckon I’ll be able to divorce him soon. I won’t have to keep up this facade in front of others anymore.” 

The surroundings echoed with noticeable gasps, for the news had come to suddenly

Lysander looked at Nieva with a heavy heart, suspecting that she was merely putting on a brave face

After all, she had truly lived through the same experience in the past


442 +

1 Coins = 1 Pearls 

Chapter 549 The Story Sounds Familiar 

Lysander looked at Aurora, who was still happily laughing, and was struck by a troubled feeling. Did he suggest it? Why so sudden?” 

Nieva shrugged indifferently. Yeah, the woman he’s seeing outside is pregnant. He probably wants to make it official with her, so who knows?” 

This story sounded eerily familiar

No wonder Elio didn’t acknowledge his own daughter. Perhaps, in his eyes, she is merely a byproduct of his climb to the pinnacle of power. As for his real child, it is peacefully growing in the womb of another woman

Josiah’s brows were tightly knitted, as he was utterly disgusted by Elio’s adulterous behavior. Yet, ironically, he was the least qualified person there to judge the latter

Lysander was being more practical. What are your plans for the future? It’s quite tough to raise a baby on your own.” 

Let’s just take it one step at a time,Nieva said with a resigned smile. I’ve had enough anyway. I consider this as my escape. Plus, I have Aurora. It doesn’t matter if her father doesn’t care for her, I will give her double the love. I’ll be there for her as she grows up, giving her the very best the world has to offer.” 

Nevia looked incredibly at ease, as if she had truly let go of a heavy burden. Yet her hand remained protectively over Aurora’s ear, even if the latter was still too young to comprehend their conversation

Daphne was filled with righteous indignation. I despise unfaithful men the most. Elio has treated you and your daughter unjustly. I hope he finds no peace at home with his new love, and may the child not be his!” 

Her words were laced with venom, and as she spoke, she kept glancing in Josiah’s direction

Knowing he was in the wrong, Josiah kept his head bowed down

Nevertheless, Nieva waved her hand dismissively. It doesn’t matter anymore, as long as he doesn’t show up in front of me ever again.” 

She was utterly indifferent to Elio’s future life. Instead, she picked up her phone and hailed a cab

But you’ve reminded me of something. Since he already knows about this place, I can’t stay here for long. I’ll have to entrust Aurora to you next time.” 

Nieva began to rise and tidy up. Cradling Aurora in her arms, she looked to be having some difficulty

Lysander quickly offered, Let me help you.” 

She efficiently tidied up Aurora’s toys and clothes with Daphne, even remembering to refill the thermos with hot water

Josiah wasn’t idle either. He handed over the toys and wet wipes he had purchased over the past two days, saying, Take these as well. Aurora might need them during the journey.” 

Thanks.” Nieva didn’t stand on ceremony with them, holding her baby as she spoke. Mr. Guerra, Ms. Thorne, if there ever comes a day when I’m homeless, I’ll have to come to your place for a meal.” 

Josiah readily agreed, No problem. You’re always welcome.” 


1 Coins 

442 +

1 Pearls 

11:47 Sat, 15 Jun 

Chapter 549 The Story Sounds Familiar 


Daphne immediately made her stand clear, pulling Lysander along with her. Mr. Guerra is a busy man, and it’s the housekeepers who cook at his home. Ms. Lionhart, why don’t you come to my place instead? Lysander and I will personally prepare a meal for you.” 

Upon seeing Daphne blatantly trying to undermine Josiah, Nieva chose to leave in silence, smiling while doing so


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