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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 557

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 557 Deceiving Children 


Meanwhile, the following morning, Lysander was awakened by the sunlight seeping through a corner of the curtains

The morning sun was at its most gentle at dawn, and the bed was soft and comfortable

She remembered being engrossed in reading some documents in the study, but she couldn’t remember when she had gotten into bed

Lysander, groggy with sleep, rubbed her tousled hair. Her mind was filled with the hazy scenes from before she fell asleep

Right then, a sudden damp sensation came from her left palm that was resting on the other side. It was akin to being licked by a small animal

Startled awake, Lysander quickly sat up and glanced to the left of her bed. There, right beside her pillow, was a small, fluffy bundle. It was unmistakably a Ragdoll kitten, so tiny that it resembled a plushie

Upon awakening, Lysander was greeted by the sight of the little kitten. It had taken the initiative to nuzzle its tiny head into the palm of her hand, letting out a sweet meow

Lysander was somewhat dazed, but the kitten was simply too adorable. It was nestled next to her face, a tiny furball

It seemed as if the kitten sensed her awakening. It slowly rose to its feet, albeit unsteadily, as if struggling to 

to maintain its balance

There was limited space on the pillow, and Lysander was worried that the kitten might lose its footing and fall off. Thus, she reached out and cradled the little feline into her arms

Its eyes were a brilliant, deep blue, and when it looked down, she could almost see her reflection mirrored back

Once her mind cleared, Lysander took another look around. There was no doubt that she was in the resort hotel room. I was reviewing materials here just the night before. How on earth did a cat appear out of nowhere

Just then, a rustling noise echoed from the entrance of the living room, indicating someone had entered

Over the past few days, Lysander had grown accustomed to Josiah’s occasional appearances behind her and was no longer surprised by him

The entire hotel was his. Even if she took back the keycard, he had ways to get hold of a master keycard from the staff. Moreover, she was recently engrossed in the world of knowledge and couldn’t be bothered with him anymore

Rather than stirring up more trouble, it was better to avoid it. After all, there was no escaping or chasing him away. So, she thought she might as well face it headon and keep busy with her own affairs

However, this time, it wasn’t just Josiah who entered. There was another person as well

Josiah said in a hushed tone fo the service staff trailing behind him, Just leave the food cart here. You can go now.” 


Chapter 557 Deceiving Children 

to close the room door behind him as he departed


Josiah rolled up his sleeves and meticulously arranged the breakfast items on the dining table. Only then did he push open the bedroom door, intending to wake Lysander from her slumber

Unexpectedly, Lysander found herself face to face with him, cradling the Ragdoll kitten in her arms

The Ragdoll kitten was not shy around people, acting adorably affectionate to anyone it met. It stretched languidly in Lysander’s arms, even letting out a meowtoward Josiah

Josiah had never cared for a pet before, and he certainly wouldn’t say he was fond of cats. But seeing Lysander cradling the kitten, he found an unexpected softness stirring within him

When Lysander saw Josiah intently looking at the cat, she asked in confusion, Where did this cat come from?” 

Josiah raised an eyebrow. I stole it.” 

Lysander furrowed her brows. What?” 

Josiah chuckled lightly. This is a Ragdoll kitten, not some stray caught off the streets. It’s obviously purchased.” 

Where did you buy it?” 

Josiah raised an eyebrow. What’s the matter? Are you really worried I might’ve stolen it?” 

I was worried you might use those shiny things on your cuffs and collar to deceive children.” 

Josiah settled down on the couch, simultaneously tidying up the dinner plates as he said leisurely, What do you mean by deceiving children? When it’s a mutual agreement, it’s called a deal.” 

So, did you trick another kid at the children’s playground into giving you their cat?” 

Josiah smiled helplessly. I’ve told you. I didn’t steal it. You know how much my tie pin is worth, don’t you?” 

Did you get the parentsapproval?” 

Josiah was rendered speechless

Lysander said, If it were just things like lollipops, it wouldn’t matter. But a kitten is a living creature. It’s a life. And this type of cat probably isn’t cheap, right? A child can’t make such a big decision on their own. It would be better to check with their parents 

parents first.” 

Josiah skillfully sidestepped her question, swiftly changing the subject. I came to wake you up. Now that you’re awake, why not freshen up? Breakfast is all ready.” 

Lysander then asked. You haven’t mentioned where the kitten came from yet. It’s not easy to take care of such a small one.” 

There was a subtle hint of bitterness in Josiah’s words when he replied, Haven’t you had a dog before? You already have experience with pets, so taking on a cat now shouldn’t be an issue. Besides, cats are much easier to care for than dogs. They’re independent, not clingy, and you don’t need to walk them come rain or shine. It’s a perfect fit for your current situation.” 


07:43 Wed, 19 Jun

Chapter 557 Deceiving Children 


Lysander looked somewhat speechless at the overly familiar Ragdoll kitten and asked, Are you sure this cat isn’t clingy? The first time I met White Coat, I spent some time getting acquainted with it.” 

Josiah maintained his composure. Given your work situation, wouldn’t it be easier to keep a clingy car rather than a dog? I’ve already prepared everything” 


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