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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 572

Chapter 572 Sleeping On The Couch 

Lysander left the house and took a cab straight to the library. 

+5 Pe 

The library was quite crowded on the weekend. She found a quiet spot and had just settled down to read some materials when her phone rang

It was an unknown number

The library was eerily quiet, with only the sound of flipping pages filling the room. She abruptly ended


Around noon, she went to a café on the ground floor of the library. Josiah called

After a moment’s hesitation, she picked up. Hello?” 

Where are you?Josiah’s voice sounded a bit anxious. Who are you with?” 

Lysander responded coolly, I am at the library. What’s up

What are you doing at the library?” 

Reading materials. I can’t concentrate at home.” 

Josiah had been causing various distractions all day yesterday. She had an important management meeting at Thorne Constructions and Energies on Monday. While she wasn’t nervous, she wanted to be wellprepared to avoid making any stupid mistakes that could undermine her credibility

Are you alone?” 

Yes.Lysander asked, Did you get your phone back?” 

Josiah paused. Yeah, Ms. Collins brought someone to unlock the door.” 

Oh, that’s good then.” 

Josiah asked, Are you free at noon?” 

No, I still have a lot to read.” 

You still need to eat lunch, right?” 

There’s a restaurant downstairs.” 

Outside food isn’t nutritious,Josiah said. Send me your location, and I’ll bring you something.” 

No need” 

Before she could finish, Josiah explained, I won’t interrupt your work. I’ll just drop off the food.” 

Lysander remained silent

The public library

? Give me lilteen minutes.” 




Chapter 572 Sleeping On The Couch 

He parked on the roadside, holding an insulated lunch box, and looked up at the building

The phone rang again

She picked up the call

I’m here. Which floor are you on?” 

Lysander stood up and headed out. Don’t come up. We can’t cat in the library.” 

Pushing open the cafe door, she called out, Josiah, over here.” 

+5 Pearls 

Josiah withdrew his gaze. He ended the call and quickly walked over with a smile. Having coffee?” 

Yes, I was just going to buy some bread.” 

Josiah set the insulated lunch box on the table and opened it, presenting it to her. These are all made by Martha following the nutritionist’s menu. The taste might not match as those in a resort, but it is homemade. Give it a try.” 

Lysander looked at him intently

Josiah smiled. What’s wrong?” 

Do you have a cold?” 

Josiah rubbed his throat and coughed lightly. No, just a bit of a sore throat. Maybe the air was too dry in Apex City.” 

Lysander was skeptical. Josiah pushed the food toward her. Eat before it gets cold.” 

Aren’t you eating?” 

I’ve already eaten. I have plans this afternoon

Lysander nodded. You’ve delayed a lot of your work because of me recently. You shouldn’t worry too much about me and focus on your own tasks.” 

Guerra Group’s projects are progressing smoothly, and today is the weekend. I am not that much of a workaholic.” 

What are you busy with?” 

I am going to the furniture store to buy a couch.” 

Lysander immediately understood. You enjoy sleeping on the couch?” 

You wouldn’t even let me on your bed.” 

Lysander put down her cutlery/her expression turning a bit serious. Josiah” 

Okay, I was just kidding. I’m going to the furniture store because my mom wants to move back to the old house. The fire last time burned all the furniture, so we need to buy new ones.” 

Tuscander’s moved esvel a hit. Why did Madam Suran suddenly want to move back to the old house?” 


Chapter 572 Sleeping On The Couch 

+5 Pearin 

She’s lived there most of her life and can’t let go.Josiah said. She moved near our marital home because the old house needed repairs and to make sure I ate Eleanor’s cooking. Now that I rarely go back to the marital home and Martha is here, she wants to move back.” 

Lysander nodded without saying anything 

Josiah watched her eat slowly, his gaze soft. I have something to tell you.” 


If you get a call from abroad, don’t answer it. Just hang up immediately.” 

Lysander looked puzzled. Why? If I am dealing with Thorne Constructions and Energiesbusiness and a foreign client calls, shouldn’t answer?” 

Josiah said. Thome Constructions and Energies has an international business department. If there are clients, they’ll directly contact that department and not call you.” 

Lysander guessed, You mean Zachary?” 

He does not matter. I doubt he’d dare to contact you now

Who are you referring to, then?” 

Josiah picked up another clean fork. Putting some food onto her plate, he said casually, No one in particular. I was just reminding you that since you’re now managing Thorne Constructions and Energies. many telecom scams will target you. These scammers are often overseas, so you should be cautious.” 

Lysander did not think much of it and nodded. Got it.” 

After Lysander finished the meal, Josiah packed the lunchbox, then held it in his hand. I’ll leave now. Do your best.” 


About Monday… 

Lysander said, I’ll prepare well. I won’t embarrass our elders or you.” 


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