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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 574

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 574 State Your Terms 


+5 Pearls 

The people who had previously crowded and pressured her finally quieted down for a moment

At that moment, a voice chimed in, Ms. Thorne does have a point. The profits we can secure are the most tangible. Let’s focus on preparing for the competitive tendering first.” 

Lysander glanced at the speaker and recognized him immediately

They were one of the four individuals Josiah had previously invited for a private meeting

Another person chimed in, Indeed; the competive tendering process is the main priority right now. Let’s focus on the proposal first. Ms. Thorne, I’ll send the information for the competitive tendering to your email shortly. Please take a look at it first.” 

All right; thank you. Let’s call it a day then. I’ve taken into account all the suggestions everyone made today. I’ll strive to keep up with you all in the future. Meeting adjourned,Lysander said

Rowan quickly called out to her and said, Wait! You haven’t specified when you will give us an answer, Ms. Thorne. Telling us you will give us one as soon as possible simply won’t cut it. You need to provide us with a specific deadline.” 

After giving it some thought, Lysander said, The day after tomorrow, then.” 

Do you realize how many companies are vying for this contract, Ms. Thorne? If the response you provide the day after tomorrow turns out to be a useless suggestion, we’ll all have to start from scratch again.” 

When do you think would be a suitable time, then, Mr. Cobb?” 

First thing tomorrow morning. We’ll meet here in this conference room. I hope that you will provide us with an explanation, Ms. Thorne. Otherwise, it won’t just be Mr. Castillo, but most of the executives might have to consider finding another job!Rowan said

That evening, she hurried home, quickly ate her dinner, and then immediately retreated into the study

The sudden ring of the doorbell shattered the silence within the house

Lysander opened the door and upon lifting her head, she saw Josiah standing there, his face devoid of any expression

The corridor was eerily quiet, devoid of any noise whatsoever

Lysander rubbed her forehead and asked, What is it?” 

It seemed that Josiah had cooled down, he retorted, Why aren’t you asleep yet, given how late it is?” 

Only then did Lysander realize that time had unknowingly slipped to eleven o’clock

We have a meeting tomorrow morning, and I still have some work to handle,she said, exhaustion seeping into her words. Too weary to engage in a drawnout conversation with him, she asked again, Did you need something from me?” 

Josiah lifted the thermal jar he was holding, After I returned, I noticed your lights were still on, so I thought I’d get you some latenight snacks.” 


10:54 Thu, 20 Jun G. 

Chapter 574 State Your Terms 


+5 Peatla 

Lysander’s dark lashes fluttered as she said, Thank you, but I’m not hungry. Please stop bothering me.” 

As she spoke, she was about to close the door

Josiah’s voice was somewhat muffled as he asked, What could be so important?” 

It’s about work. I’m lagging behind significantly and I need to catch up with everyone else’s progress as soon as possible. If there’s nothing else. I’ll get back to it now,Lysander responded as patiently as possible

The door was held open by Josiah’s unoccupied hand

How did you find your day at Thorne Constructions and Energies? I heard the meeting didn’t go too well,he said casually

Lysander’s action of shutting the door came to a halt. You really do have quite the knack for gathering information.” 

Josiah moved forward into the foyer, glancing briefly at the lit study room before heading straight for the laptop that displayed intricate spreadsheets. Beside it, a pile of files and Lysander’s halffinished notes were scattered

Lysander trailed half a step behind, entering quietly. Seeing him intently focused on the numbers on the report with a serious expression, she didn’t interrupt

A moment later, Josiah lowered his gaze and asked, Who made this table?” 

Lysander gave it some thought and said, I requested it from the marketing department.” 

Josiah asked again, Didn’t any of them offer it to you on their own?” 

Feeling no need to withhold this minor detail from him, Lysander replied with a sigh, YeahWithout your around, they don’t really acknowledge me. The marketing department’s focus isn’t on their work. When I called them at four in the afternoon, they were already contemplating to clock out. I couldn’t get the hard copy of the documents, so I had to make do with the digital version.” 

The look in Josiah’s eyes turned gloomy when he heard that. I suspect they never printed a hard copy at 


Lysander looked at the report with confusion written all over her face. Why?she asked

Josiah glanced at the side index and said, There’s no page dedicated to qualification certifications in the appendix. I remember the auditor required that competitive tendering companies must meet certain qualification standards. Any report printed like this would only be screened out once submitted.” 

He set down the thermal jar, lightly moved the mouse to add a note, then said, If this isn’t the work of a newcomer, then the person in charge of this must certainly have an issue with you.” 

This was no longer a secret, and lysander had already experienced it today

She lowered her gaze to the report and said, I’ve already crosschecked the specific figures within, and there are no major issues. Are there any other problems apart from the omission?” 

Josiah pulled up a chair and sat down, taking a pen and jotting down a series of numbers on a piece of paper. He circled them and said, This is the job of the finance department. Even the boldest accountant wouldn’t dare to tamper with the books. However, any oversight in data verification would have nothing to 


10:54 Thu, 20 Jun⚫ GU · 

Chapter 574 State Your Terms 


+5 Pearls 

do with them.” 

During the day, Lysander had already repeatedly verified and confirmed the information in her office. Now, as she looked at the key issue that had been pointed out, she could only admit, Every profession. has its specialists, I truly didn’t notice this.” 



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