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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 577

Chapter 577 From Spouses To Siblings

Lysander’s expression shifted slightly, but with so many people around, she didn’t feel it was appropriate to say anything

She then asked in a purely professional manner, Are you so concerned that you decided to sit in on the meeting as well, Mr. Guerra?“ 

As if he had found his savior, Rowan quickly said, We feel at ease now that you’re finally here, Mr. Guerra!” 

Herbert had been sitting in an awkward position just moments ago, but now he seemed somewhat eager and excited. Indeed! Now that you’re here, we finally have someone who can make decisions.” 

Josiah’s gaze had been constantly resting on Lysander

Perhaps in order to suit the formal occasion that day, Lysander had changed into a cinched waist blazer paired with a skirt. She was wearing a pair of pure black heels, and her hair was neatly pinned up at the back of her head, with only a few loose strands left hanging on her forehead

Having worked as a doctor for a long time, she naturally exuded a sense of stern coldness. Today, dressed as she was, she even gave off the vibe of a successful businesswoman. If the neckline of her blouse wasn’t so low, the look would have been perfect

Lysander noticed his gaze lingering on her neck, and quickly reached up to touch it

The touch was smooth, devoid of any sensation of pain

She furrowed her brows slightly and questioned him with her eyes, What’s wrong?” 

Josiah withdrew his gaze, giving a light laugh as he said, Ladies and gentlemen, Thorne Constructions and Energies now has a true leader. I will no longer be involved in the company’s affairs. My presence today is purely personal.” 

Rowan immediately said, You’re here on behalf of Mr. Thorne, aren’t you? Alas, it seems Mr. Thorne can’t stop worrying. After all, it’s the foundation he’s built over half his life. The Guerra family and the Thorne family have known each other for many years. Please, take good care of his company.” 

It’s not like that. Mr. Thorne always had complete trust in his daughter.” 

Rowan was taken aback for a moment. He then quickly retorted, Yes, we all know that Mr. Thorne adores his daughter, and Ms. Thorne is indeed the sole future heir to the company. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean she should be involved in the management. It’s not that I look down on women, but they’re not really cut out for this line of work. It would be better if she found a capable husband instead. Men should be the ones conducting business outside, while women should stay at home, doing laundry, cooking meals, and taking care of the children.” 

Upon hearing these words, Lysander’s expression turned gloomy

Josiah had a keen sense of what was happening, so he noticed her change in expression. Feeling uncomfortable with Rowan’s statement, he said, Sexism is not acceptable, Mr. Cobb.” 

This isn’t sexism, though. It’s a simple fact. Look around; aren’t all the top achievers in every field men? Women are too indecisive and lack depth, let alone young women. All they do is obsess over soap operas 

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10:55 Thu, 20 Jun Gu

Chapter 577 From Spouses To Siblings 

that they neglect everything else. What else could they possibly do?” 

Josiah pursed his lips in displeasure, his gaze slightly downcast

It was clear that he didn’t like what he heard.. 


+5 Pearls 

Rowan wanted to say more, but Herbert gently tugged at his arm and reminded him, Mr. Cobb, Ms.. Thome is, after all, the daughter of Mr. Thome, and she does have a good relationship with the Guerra family

Rowan tensed up and argued, I don’t have any issues with Ms. Thorne. As long as she doesn’t interfere with company matters and behaves like the prominent young lady she is, I’m more than happy to treat her as my niece. After all, I have a strong bond with her father. How could I not look after his only daughter?” 

Indeed. Ms. Thorne is technically your junior, so she should address you as Mr. Cobb at work, and privately, as Uncle Rowan. She’s new here, so we shouldn’t be too harsh on her. Now that Mr. Guerra is here, everything will be resolved. Please, calm down,Herbert said

Thanks to Herbert’s pacification, Rowan’s attitude had finally improved somewhat

All right; I understand why Mr. Guerra came here today. The Guerra and Thorne families are very close, so Ms. Thorne could be considered as Mr. Guerra’s sister. It’s only natural for an older brother to visit his younger sister at work.” 

Josiah’s expression changed instantly. Who said she’s my sister?” 

Rowan was taken aback, yet he couldn’t quite grasp the meaning behind Josiah’s words. Assuming that Josiah was simply trying to keep his distance, Rowan quickly corrected himself by saying. Of course you two are not siblings! You both have different last names, after all! What does the relationship between the elders have to do with the younger generation? There’s no connection at all! Isn’t that right, Mr. Guerra?” 

Mr. Cobb is right. I have no connection with Mr. Guerra whatsoever,Lysander said

Josiah’s expression turned increasingly gloomy 

Since you two are not related in any way, then I’ll speak my mind. Mr. Guerra, I can’t accept the idea of a young girl daring 

to interfere with the company’s decisions-” 


A thermal jar was placed on the long conference table, its weight neither light nor heavy, interrupting Rowan’s speech

Rowan hesitated for a moment, peering closely with increased confusion as he asked, Mr. Guerra, what is this?” 

The lunch I brought her.Josiah then looked at Lysander as he continued, Let’s pause the meeting for 

now and eat.” 

Lysander frowned, clearly in disagreement. The matter isn’t settled yet.” 

Meetings can be held anytime, but meals must be eaten on time. Given your current health condition, if you don’t take care of yourself properly, it could lead to problems down the road.” 

After he finished speaking, Josiah casually greeted everyone. I’m going to take Lysander back to the office 


10:56 Thu, 20 Jun 

Chapter 577 From Spouses To Siblings 

for lunch first. We’ll continue the meeting in half an hour.” 

Lysander stopped him. Josiah, can you please not cause trouble?” 

She then tried to signal at him with her eyes

There are so many people here! What is he trying to do

+5 Pearls 

Josiah rose to his feet with the thermal jar in hand. He then reached out to take her hand, openly and without any hint of avoidance. His words were simple and direct as he said, Behave yourself.” 



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