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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 584

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 584 I Will Not Consider Minors

Noah couldn’t think of anything else to say. He chuckled and fell silent


As they were talking, a classmate came running over from the side while hunched over, calling out in a hushed tone. Ms. Thome!” 

Lysander looked up to see a rather adorable young girl and asked, What’s the matter?” 

UmJoseph told me to ask you on his behalf whether you could consider him. He is serious about you.” 

With a slight smile, Lysander replied, I’m sorry, but I won’t consider minors. It’s against the law.” 

Josiah was struck speechless

Noah and Owen were likewise dumbfounded

Then, once he comes of age, could you consider him?” 

These kids truly aren’t focused on their studies. What kind of questions are they asking?Noah shook his head upon hearing that. Just as he was about to explain things to the financial backer beside him, he was intimidated by the man’s displeased expression

His face was as black as thunder

Noah chastised lowly, Can’t Joseph not make trouble for once? You’re another one. Why are you indulging him? Tell him to get his grades up quickly. He shouldn’t slack off just because he’s a sport specialization student, and the academic requirements are lower for him.” 

The girl nodded. Okay. I’ll go back and tell him that.” 

Go onWhy are you still here?” 

The girl’s face suddenly turned beet red. She looked at Josiah, stammering. Handsome, do you have a girlfriend?” 

Noah was instantly enraged. Are all of you trying to rebel?” 

Yes,Josiah answered

The girl felt somewhat embarrassed and could only nod. Oh, all right. Sorry for intruding 

Then, she walked away dejectedly

Josiah looked up, meeting Lysander’s gaze. He teased, Ms. Thorne, you seem quite popular with the opposite sex.” 

The same goes for you, Mr. Guerra.” 

I’m different. I have someone,I like, so I reject others definitively without leaving any room for speculation.” 

Do you mean that my rejection wasn’t definitive enough, Mr. Guerra?” 


Not Consider Minors 


The school anniversary celebration took up the entire morning. The afternoon was reserved for free activities

Former classmates reconnected and also met up with their teachers in the past, catching up on each other’s recent lives

Just as Lysander was planning to leave, Joseph, who had previously confessed his feelings to her loudly, came running over again

Among his peers, Joseph stood out due to his height. He breezed past his classmates and extended an invitation to Lysander enthusiastically. Ms. Thorne, there’s an intramural basketball competition this afternoon. I’m the power forward. Would you like to come and watch?” 

Thinking of her schedule the next day, Lysander instinctively wanted to decline. I have work in the afternoon, so I might not be able to-” 

However, Daphne firmly tugged at her. Sure! We’ll be there!” 

Joseph was overjoyed. Then, it’s settled. See you at the basketball court on the east side of the campus in half an hour!” 

No sooner had he finished speaking than he called out to his friends, turned around, and ran off without giving Lysander a chance to explain

Lysander could only ask Daphne accusingly, Why did you give him hope? It’s not like I’d ever agree to date him. Besides, there’s nothing interesting about watching basketball.” 

Daphne’s eyes sparkled with excitement. How could you say that? The basketball team is full of young men! I want to watch them! Have you forgotten that my partner selection criteria have been updated to version 3.0? I need to scope out the prospects in advance.” 

Lysander was bewildered. When did it even reach 3.0? I didn’t even know about 2.0.” 



uld be left 

Version 2.0 is what I mentioned to you last time about finding a capable person to manage while I would take care of his woman and child. But then, I thought about it and decided it for the future. I’d be better off finding a few young men first, like those tanskinned sports science students. It would be a great experience! Come, come, let’s go!” 

As Daphne spoke, she dragged Lysander toward the basketball court

Neither of them remembered that Josiah was still sitting beneath the main stage

Josiah watched as Lysander’s figure receded into the distance, his lips pressed into a thin line

Noah looked at the students laughing and fooling around at the other side and couldn’t help but lament, The college entrance exam is coming up this term, yet they’re still playing basketball. Had I known, I wouldn’t have given them a halfday off.” 

Out of the blue, Josiah asked, That Joseph must be quite popular with girls, right?” 

Yes. He’s the most famous sport specialization student and is really good at basketball. Every time there’s a game, he attracts a horde of girls to cheer him on. Of the love letters we confiscated, he has the most love letters, so much so that it even affected his average score in the mock exam.” 

Noah couldn’t help but sigh repeatedly


Chapter 584 I Will Not Consider Minors 

Josiah stood up and said indifferently, Since he’s so impressive, I’ll go and see for myself.” 


Noah hurriedly followed and even intended to bring other leaders along. After being rejected by Josiah, he could only watch as the man went off to the east side of the campus alone


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