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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 652

Chapter 652 The Stubborn Fool 

+5 Pearls 

After she finished seeing the patients waiting in the clinic, she didn’t get any downtime. In fact, she became even busier

Upon seeing Lysander heading straight for the wards, Josiah had no choice but to retract the step he had just taken. Approaching her for a conversation now, he feared, would only earn him an accusation of creating trouble

As a fellow patient, his treatment was incomparable to that of others. 

Upon entering the ward, Lysander immediately scooped up the little child who was attempting to roll around. In a gentle voice, she asked, What happened here?” 

The nurse, holding a disinfectant cotton swab, expressed her frustration, Dr. Thorne, this child simply refuses to get a shot. The moment I touched the back of his hand with the cotton swab, he burst into tears. Even after his grandmother tried to soothe him for quite some time, it was all in vain.” 

In the village, what was most common were children left in the care of their elders. When these children fell ill, the only ones by their side were the elderly family members at home

Upon seeing Lysander’s arrival, the child’s grandmother was visibly flustered. As she tried to soothe the child, she explained, Dr. Thorne, I’m sorry for the inconvenience. The child insists on seeing his mother, but she’s working in the city and only comes home once a year. I’ve tried, but I can’t seem to persuade him otherwise. Please, feel free to attend to other patients first.” 

At that moment, there was no better solution than to let the child cry it out until he tired himself and stopped. After all, there was no way to bring his mother to him

Lysander looked at the child who was crying out for his mother and softly reassured, It’s all right. Let me give it a try

Sweetheart, would it be okay if I held you?She saw the child’s eyes open wide with curiosity and gently lifted him into her arms. With one hand supporting him, her other hand tenderly wiped his tears away

The child was only four years old. Since he only saw his mother once a year, his impression of her was limited to her long hair and tender demeanor. Upon hearing Lysander’s words, his wailing turned into choked sobs. Clutching at her clothes, he whimpered, Miss, I’m scared. I want my mommy..” 

You need to get better quickly if you want to see her.” 

The child shook his head. Mommy only comes back during Christmas.” 

Thenif you behave during your injection, I will help you call your mommy every weekend so you can talk to her. Does that sound good?” 

Upon hearing these words, the child, though still fearful of the injection, had almost stopped crying. The longing for his mother took precedence, and he nodded firmly

Lysander was especially patient with children. She reassured him, Sweetie, once you’ve had injection, you’ll start to feel better.” 


The child listened to her soothing whispers for quite a while. Finally, the nurse found the perfect moment to swiftly and accurately insert the needle



Chapter 652 The Stubborn Fool 

+5 Pearls 

Lysander had been clutching the child tightly, diverting his attention while the needle was being secured. Once it was done, she gently stroked his hair and praised him, You’re the bravest little one I’ve ever met.” 

Most kids would fall for this, and by the time he was safely tucked back into his hospital bed, he had already forgotten why he was crying earlier

Thank you so much. Dr. Thorne, the grandmother quickly stepped forward to express her gratitude

No worries. If the child feels unwell next time, make sure to come to the health center as soon as possible. A child’s immunity isn’t as strong as an adult’s, so you can’t delay treatment when they’re sick.” 

Lysander had to check on the situation in the neighboring ward, so she wasn’t able to stay in one place for too long. She could only leave a few instructions before she hurriedly left

As the village chief had mentioned, the villagers who needed medical attention the most were the elderly and children

In the adjacent hospital room, the three individuals receiving an IV drip were all elderly villagers living alone. The nurses, fearing they might fall asleep and forget to call someone to remove the needle, leading to a backflow in the IV tube, would occasionally check on them. However, with the multitude of tasks in the clinic, there were inevitably moments when they couldn’t attend to everything

Lysander noticed the elderly man by the door squinting hard, trying to make out the words on the medicine box. She took the initiative to remind him, Mr. Lastor, you should only take one blood pressure pill each morning. You’ve already had one today, so you absolutely must not take another.” 

The elderly people in the ward treated Lysander as if she were their own kin when they saw her. The old man kindly nodded, affirming that he had remembered her

Lysander was concerned about their advancing age and potential memory loss, so she made a point to pause, pull out a pen from the pocket of her white coat, and carefully mark the dosage on the medication box with numbers

Most of the older generation in the village hadn’t received a formal education, with their knowledge extending to only a few characters at most. Hence, they were essentially illiterate

After thoroughly considering their needs, Lysander made a round in the ward before returning to the downstairs clinic. By then, it was nearing noon, and there were no patients left

The young nurse who was tidying up noticed Lysander’s return. She gently nudged her arm and said, Dr. Thorne, look over there.” 

Following her subtle hint, Lysander looked over and saw a figure she recognized

Lysander didn’t know when Josiah had arrived at the front yard of the clinic, but he hadn’t approached or disturbed her while she was working. Instead, he stood at a distance, silently waiting

This scene brought back memories of the time before they had divorced

Josiah would often drive himself to Central Hospital, then wait for her to finish work in the hospital’s parking lot

Before the truth was revealed, they did share some good times together

Had Lysanpe not returned, perhaps they would have continued down this path of misunderstanding



Chapter 652 The Stubborn Fool 

+5 Pearls 

Lysander once asked herself, did she desire the harsh reality, even if it meant a tragic end? Or would she rather live in blissful ignorance for the rest of her life, as long as she had what society deemed as happiness

She deliberated for a long time, even trying to convince herself at one point that life was unpredictable. If Josiah could keep this secret from her for a lifetime, and treat her well for a lifetime, wouldn’t that make their marriage complete in its own way

However, her downfall was her stubborn foolishness

In the end, she couldn’t convince herself. She covered her cars, closed her eyes, and forced herself to become a fool living in a web of lies

Even amidst agony and brutality, she still yearned for the truth

Lysander’s gaze involuntarily turned slightly cold

Seeing that she had noticed him, Josiah quickly walked up to her. I saw you were busy earlier and didn’t dare to disturb you.” 

The staff at Central Hospital had clear job roles. When Lysander used to work in the obstetrics and gynecology department, she only had to focus on her own tasks. As for trivial matters like pacifying children and reminding patients, these were all handled by the nurses


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