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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 677

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 677 Dressed Up Just for You 



Comparatively, Lysander was much more composed. She said, Since we’re already here, we might as well- get something. After all, if we’re going to change clothe

we’ll have to change everything, inside and out

Let’s just each pick what we like.” 

Even though that was what she said, but after inquiring about the material, she quickly chose a set of lingerie. She was in such a rush to get out that she couldn’t bear to waste even a second more in the shop

Josiah rarely went out to buy clothes himself. Instead, he’d either have sales assistants bring over seasonal new arrivals, worn by models of similar physique for him to choose from, or he would have designers custom make highend pieces for him. As for such personal clothing, it was even more particular

At that moment, staring at the array of underwear spread out like a vegetable market, he was utterly bewildered. Finally, when Lysander had finished her selection and came over, he gathered his asked, Do you think.. this will do?” 

courage and 

Lysander’s expression immediately turned even more bewildered than his. How could I possibly know about men’s underwear? If you think it’s fine, then it should be.” 

The sales associate, afraid of missing a potential business opportunity, eagerly approached them. Take your time to choose, after all, the gentleman is dressing up for you. You two look like a match made in heaven. Are you newlyweds? Hahaha, you’re still unfamiliar with your husband’s size, aren’t you?” 

We aren’t–Lysander tried to explain, but upon second thought, she gave up and said, Never mind.” 

They weren’t a married couple nor were they dating, yet they were shopping for underwear together. This situation would only get more complicated the more it was explained. It was better to let others misunderstand. After all, they were just strangers who had met by chance, none of them knew the other

Lysander shamelessly played dumb, swiftly selecting two items for Josiah. She bundled them together with her own purchases and handed them over to the sales assistant to pack. Then, she quickly paid the bill

The sales assistant noticed that Lysander was the one paying. There was a brief moment of surprise on their face, but they quickly regained composure and said with a smile, I bet the lady handles the finances. in your household. You two must have a wonderful relationship.” 

Josiah actually wanted to respond, but Lysander chuckled ambiguously and was already pulling him toward another area

The temperature in the mountain village was rather low. If one were to stay here for an extended period, they would need to ensure they had enough clothing to keep themselves warm

Josiah watched as Lysander picked out clothes for him. He knew she was doing it to save time, but he was still very pleased. He felt like a typical boyfriend accompanying his girlfriend on a shopping spree, trailing behind her, willingly carrying the shopping bags without a word of complaint

When the two of them stepped out of the mall, they were carrying quite a few more items than before. Yet, they both felt as if a weight had been lifted off their shoulders

As Josiah guided Lysander through the crowd toward the budget hotel on the opposite side, he softly told her, Actually, I think what the sales assistant said made a lot of sense just now.” 

For no apparent reason, Lysander found himself recalling the phrase He’s wearing it for you to sec,and 

eerily maintained her cilence 


Dressed Up Just for You 



Josiah was focused on the road, oblivious to her unusual behavior. He said in a deep voice, Indeed, the lady of the house should be in charge of the finances

So that’s what he’s referring to 

Lysander coughed lightly to hide her embarrassment. I’m sorry, I’m afraid I lack the expertise for that. I can be a doctor, but managing money is really not my forte. If you were to entrust me with your family fortune, you’d better be prepared for the worstcase scenario.” 

That won’t happen.Josiah said with utmost seriousness. I believe in your ability to manage the finances. Anything you’re willing to do, you’ve always been able to do it best. It’s just that your ambition doesn’t lie 


He should have realized this sooner, rather than when everything was on the brink of irrevocable damage. Luckily, they still had a chance to start over

After a short walk, they arrived at the lobby of the budget hotel

Lysander said, Go on in, weren’t you in a hurry to take a shower?” 

The reception desk was manned by a middleaged lady. Upon seeing the two of them enter, she greeted them. You’ve arrived just in time. Any later and there wouldn’t have been any rooms left.” 

This budget hotel only had three floors, so it was expected that there would be few rooms. But no one anticipated just how few there would be

Lysander asked, Can we still get two rooms?” 

e only have one double room left.The friendly lady inquired, You’re here for the festival of the deities, aren’t you? Ever since a tourist posted pictures of the festival online last year, our little town has gained some popularity. It’s quite a feat to have even one room left.” 

Their timing really couldn’t have been worse

Lysander was left with no choice but to present her identification for registration. Since Josiah’s ID was still in his wallet, she was the only one able to register

Fortunately, the town’s management was lax. Other than giving her an extra glance when she paid, the receptionist didn’t say anything else

The threestory hotel, naturally, didn’t have an elevator. The pair were left with no choice but to lug their numerous bags up the stairs. However, just as they reached the staircase, they realized they were short of one room key and had to reluctantly return to retrieve it

Just as they turned the corner, the energetic voice of the front desk lady reached their ears. She was in the midst of a conversation with the cleaning lady

You didn’t see it, but that young man, he was wellbuilt and decent looking. Yet, he was out there spending a girl’s money and didn’t even have any identification on him. Could he possibly be involved in some shady business?” 

..It shouldn’t be, most of the young folks arriving recently have been traveling in groups. Perhaps he’s a toy boy. I just saw the car she was driving; it clearly wasn’t cheap. She must be a wealthy young woman, and that man has certainly hit the jackpot.” 



Chapter 677 Dressed Up Just for You 



The two ladies were engrossed in their lively conversation, each speculation more farfetched than the 


Lysander was a bit speechless, she subtly glanced at Josiah. Should we explain ourselves?” 

The esteemed Josiah Guerra was being mistaken for a toy boy… 

The issue was, she was currently covered in dirt, looking absolutely filthy. On what grounds did the woman think she had the money to keep a toy boy

No need.Josiah’s mindset had already shifted toward tranquility, viewing everything in a positive light. At least they referred to me as a pretty boy, not an old man. That means I must still look quite young, right?” 

Lysander was rendered speechless

You’re quite the optimist

Let’s go take a bath.” 

It was a suggestion Lysander highly approved of 

The double room at the budget hotel was far from spacious. Everything was in plain sight once one opens the door. However, the most awkward part was the bathroom, situated immediately to the left upon entering

Lysander stood by the entrance, hesitated for a moment before saying. I’m going out for a bit, you go ahead and take a shower. Call me when you’re done.” 


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