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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 680

Capter 680 A Gentle Touch 

The following morning, her biological clock almost failed her. It was the sound of Josiah freshening up that roused her from sleep

After a day of rest, the exhaustion from the day before finally revealed itself. No sooner had she sat up than a wave of fatigue and backache washed over her, as if she’d been run over by a truck

It’s time I focus on strengthening my body and exercising more

Upon hearing the noise from outside, Josiah hurriedly emerged from the bathroom, apologizing, I’m sorry if I woke you. I intended to wake you only after I finished freshening up

Lysander had slept rather soundly that night, so much so that she almost overslept. Upon hearing his voice, it felt as though she was still in a dream, until the bustling sounds from the nearby street reached 

her ears

The next moment, the sound of fireworks, which had become a rarity in the city, began to resonate

Bewildered, Lysander gazed toward the direction of the curtains, only speaking once the noise had subsided. Seems like the festival of the deities has started.” 

Josiah’s eardrums throbbed with pain. He had never imagined that the festival of the deities was such a grand affair

As a child, Lysander had visited her hometown with Maverick a few times, gaining some understanding of the local customs. When it was time to leave, she shared a few more insights with Josiah

The festival of the deities originally started as a ritual. In my hometown, they would mark its beginning with fireworks, welcoming the deities. The front desk lady mentioned yesterday that the parade should be starting soon.” 

Josiah had never seen it before. Initially, he just wanted to spend time with Lysander. But at that moment, he was genuinely intrigued by it

The two casually grabbed a bag of breadsticks from a breakfast stall near the hotel, then headed together toward the street where the festival of the deities was being held. Along the way, the streets were teeming with tourists, even more bustling than the wholesale mall they had visited the day before

Leveraging his height, Josiah held a breadstick in one hand while keeping Lysander close with the other, preventing them from being separated by the crowd

Lysander glanced at the arm blocking her path, feeling slightly uncomfortable. She shifted to the side, finished the breadstick in her hand, and said, I’m full.” 

She had merely eaten two pieces

Josiah was worried that she hadn’t eaten enough. Silently, he secured the top of the brown paper bag and shifted it to the crook of his army, saying, There’s a place selling soy milk over there. I’ll go get us some.” 

I’ll go then.Lysander took the opportunity to put a little distance between them

The streets were crowded, filled with people heading to the start of the parade to join the festivities. The two of them could only maintain a distance of a few inches at most. Even if they wanted to keep further 



Jul C7 C. 

49 Finished 

Chapter 680 A Gentle Touch 

After purchasing the soy milk, Lysander stopped in her tracks. She was just about to hand one of the cups to Josiah when two playful children saw an opportunity to dart between them

Haha, you can’t catch me!” 

The child running ahead paid no attention to where he was going and ran straight into Lysander, who tried to dodge but was too slow. Seeing that she was about to be swept away by the crowd, Josiah swiftly extended his arm and pulled her back just in time

Just as Lysander was about to breathe a sigh of relief, another little boy, chasing after his friend, came barreling toward her. Unable to stop in time, he collided with her, sending her directly into the arms of Josiah

The height difference between the two was about that of a person’s head, which should have prevented a disastrous collision. However, Josiah had unexpectedly bent down to check on Lysander, and his chin ended up hitting her forehead. She had no way to avoid it, and in an attempt to protect her soy milk, she subconsciously lifted her face

Immediately, Josiah felt a soft sensation brush against his throat

Before he could react, Lysander had already lifted her hand to wipe her lips. She had just eaten a breadstick and hadn’t had the chance to wipe her mouth, feeling so embarrassed she wished the ground would swallow her up. I’m sorry. I’ll get you a tissue.” 

As she spoke, she rummaged through her pockets fervently for what felt like an eternity. Only then did she remember that the clothes she was wearing were hastily bought the previous day, leaving her no time to stow away the essential items she typically carried with her when she left the house

No need,said Josiah. Suddenly, he took her hand, gently brushing the back of itwhich had just grazed her lipsagainst his throat

It could be considered a secondhand kiss

There are too many people around. It isn’t convenient to keep tissues in the pocket. I can just wipe it off with your hand.” 

Lysander was immediately taken aback. She was just about to ask him if he had mistaken her hand for a tissue when she saw the two children who were previously playing around being pulled back by their mother

The mother of the children didn’t brush off the situation just because they were young. Instead, she seriously took them aside and said, Apologize to this sir and lady.” 

Both kids were wellbehaved. After realizing they had carelessly run into someone, they hung their heads in remorse and apologized, Miss, we’re sorry.” 

Only then did Lysander notice that the two of them were dressed identically and looked remarkably similar. With a smile, she said, It’s alright. Just be more careful in the future. With so many people around, you can’t just run around aimlessly. What would you do if you got separated from Are you two twins?” 

The child repeatedly nodded/in agreement, a sight that triggered a smile from Josiah

your mother

Upon seeing Lysander’s gentleness and the handsome man by her side, the child’s mother breathed a sigh of relief and casually struck up a conversation with them


Chapter 680 A G 




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