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The Chosen Alpha (Prequel to The Female Alpha) novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Entitled

Mikalya’s P.O.V

“Hey! How’d it go?” Ruksaar bombarded me as soon as I entered the hotel room, just like I had expected her to do.

What I hadn’t expected was that Kashmira and her son would be in the room with her, having dinner and gossiping away like they were long-lost sisters. I frowned at the arrangement but didn’t comment on it. Ruksaar and I would need to have a long discussion soon.

“It was good.” I told her truthfully as I went into the bathroom to freshen up and change. I wasn’t used to ghagras and dresses, but Rajasthan had a strict dress code.

“Good?” Ruksaar raised her eyebrows at me as she looked me up and down. “Says the woman who got all sparkly for the date.”

“It wasn’t a date.” I gave her a glare as soon as I saw that stupid smile on her face. “And no, I will not hear any more discussions on this topic.”

“Fine.” She puffed her cheeks before turning to Kashmira. “Why don’t you put your son down for sleep so we can talk?”

Kashmira looked from me to Ruksaar and back before nodding and setting her son, Kushal down on the bed beside her. “I knew this was coming, but I was hoping to avoid it.” She sighed and looked down at her hands, her long dark hair in a neat braid that was slung over one shoulder.

“We’ll be leaving Rajasthan next week.” I got straight to the point, without waiting for Ruksaar. She had a habit of sugar-coating the reality and it often led to confusion and misinterpretation. “We can book you one room at this hotel till the end of this month but after that you’re on your own. So you need to start planning and find a job.”

“Job?”Kashmira looked at me and Ruksaar in surprise. “I’ve never worked! How-what am I supposed to do?”

Dear god! Was I hearing her right? I looked at Ruksaar for confirmation and she had the same puzzled look on her face as she turned towards me. So it wasn’t just me who thought that Kashmira sounded like an entitled brat.

“Then what do you plan to do to feed yourself and your son?” I asked her, a bit too harshly. “How do you plan to buy things for your son? Pay for his education?”

“Can’t I go with you?” She asked in a small voice that would’ve been inaudible had it not been for our superior hearing.

“You think we’ve adopted you? Just because you are a Luna?” I snapped. “Ruksaar and I have worked our entire life to get where we are today. We had to do all kinds of odd jobs even when the world believed women are only good for cooking and fucking! We don’t need to babysit a little brat and her kid, especially someone who’s only going to be a freeloader.”

“Mink!” Ruksaar snapped before lowering her eyes. “You don’t need to be this harsh. She’s only a child-”

Chapter 15 1

Chapter 15 2


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