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The Couple novel Chapter 50


After finally finding the person who can help us, I started thinking of a way to meet her. Witnessing my condition, my parents won’t let me leave this house without them. And talking to her in their presence is not an option. Also, I can’t ask her how to get rid of my parents in front of them. Although I love them and the thought of living with them excites me, but they want to take me back and I don’t want to leave Chris.

Unless, he refuses to take me back and I am left with no other option but to leave this to town.

I wonder if he will still burn down the whole world if I leave this town. Or was it just because we were seeing each other back then. Should I try this? Well, maybe. I mean he said it himself that he will go to every extent to make me stay here. Maybe if he saw me leaving he would take me back and also convince my parents to let me stay without scaring them with his wolf, obviously.

No, I can't trust him. He eventually threatened me with his wolf when he warned me. I can’t take the risk.

I will go with the plan to talk to Selena and explain her the whole situation and ask for her help. I just hope she has a solution to atleast one problem.

But right now, we need to find an answer to how to talk to her. When Selena and Robert retired from their family responsibilities, they not only gave up the house but also the connections to the world which includes cell phones.

I always wondered how Chris or Ethan informed them of anything. It must be tedious to drive the whole way to their cottage nearby forest just to invite them for family gatherings or inform them of small things. But now I know they just mind link with them. It is even more simple than connecting them through calls.

Jeanne suggested she go down to their cottage and make a video call to me, so I can join their conversation and talk to Selena. But I refused as I wanted her personally. I don’t know why I insist on meeting her personally but that’s how it is now.

We both came out of my room together and pushed each other forward in front of my parents. We both are nervous like teenage girls who need to get permission from their parents for a late night party or a night stayover.

As soon as we reached there my parents on my couch sitting too close to each other, looked up to us.

“Are you hungry, again? Because I am. Honey...” Mom turned to face dad and pouted silently. I shook my head at her act. I have seen my dad cooking delicious food and mom stuffing it all without gaining any pounds. I wonder how she maintains herself with so much eating. Not that I refuse her to eat but how?

“No mom. We’re not hungry.” I frowned and replied even before dad could reply to her or get up to cook something for us.

“Then, what is it really sweetie?” Now, we got their attention as they sat up right and looked at us cautiously.

“Umm… Mom” I glanced back and forth between them and Jeanne before I continued. “Dad, we want to go shopping and for lunch tomorrow. I really want to go out right now. Can we go?”

“Sure, princess. Tell me where you want to go. We will go there.” There you go. I knew it was going to be hard.

“No, dad I meant me, Jeanne and Mary. I want a girls day out.”

“Well, it works fine. Make a list. We will do everything you want before we leave here. It is a girls day out.” This time mom spoke as she gave dad an assuring look. And dad sighed nodding his head.

“No mom. I just want us girls. Not you or dad babysitting me.” I screamed which angered my mom.

“Lower your voice, young lady. And we’re here to babysit you because you can’t take care of yourself as you promised before.” Now, mom is standing and we both are at the same level staring at each other directly. I surely got her stubbornness.

“I think I should take a leave now.”

“Is there anyone to take you home, girl?” Mom snapped back at her. Jeanne shook her head as she was too intimidated by mom’s aura that she didn’t dare speak. “Then you better stay and call someone to pick you up. You’re not leaving alone.” With this Jeanne remained silent and didn’t dare to speak again. But I stood my ground and crossed my hands across my chest as I kept glaring at my mom.

“You shouldn’t forget I am your mother.”

“I remember that very clearly and you should also not forget I am a grown up woman who just turned 24 and can take care of her own.”

“Yeah, I can see how you can take care of yourself.”

“Don’t forget, I got in danger just because I DIDN’T WANT TO LOSE ANY OF YOU! I JUST TRIED TO PROTECT YOU!” I felt my eyes getting wet with tears. I didn’t want to break down in front of everyone. I never cried in front of everyone, it always made me feel weak.

I ran into my room and shut the door behind me. I threw myself on the bed and cried my guts out. I know everyone outside knows I am crying here but it is better this way with them not seeing me at my worst.

I heard a few knocking and calls from Jeanne. I didn’t want to open the door and go outside before I heard the calm voice of my dad. Actually, it was not calm and more nervous but still holding his ground and not losing his senses like I and mom did just now.

It was always like this mom and dad reacting the opposite to every situation and handling the situation together as a team. I wonder how each time one of them is acting so calm and remains stable while the other one goes insane. I want the same for me and Chris, always handling the situation as a team together.

I composed myself back and opened the door just to find dad at my door while Jeanne and mom went back to the couch. I approached him carefully and he patted my head before holding my one hand and taking me back to the couch opposite to mom’s. Dad and I sat at one while mom and J sat at the other one. Mom still looked pissed but under control now. I wonder how many minutes did I cry in my room before dad came as it is getting dark outside now.

“Princess, your mom just wants to protect you, she didn’t mean to hold you hostage and we’re not babysitting you here. We both just want to protect what we failed to do. It is not about you but more about us. We both forgot that you’re now a grown up woman not our little girl who might burn the kitchen down to get our attention.” I looked up to meet his beautiful smiling face. He definitely got old since I last met him after my birthday, stress is working over him. I leaned on his shoulder and got comfortable there.

“If you want you can have the day out, without us.” He took a deep breath as he said it. I was shocked as he said it, I know it was hard for both of them. I looked up and glanced back to mom and then again at him. I didn't think it would be easy to convince mom. “But...” I knew there would be something more.

“But Jeanne, you might ask one of your brothers to accompany you. It can be either of your brothers. And princess, you will have to call us every 15 mins to inform us.” With the corner of my eyes, I could see the devil smile on my mother’s face. It was her condition.

“1 hour.” I tried bargaining, making a sad face, hoping he might agree.

“30 mins. That is, the deal is done. Or you can always stay here.” I nodded and agreed with the current conditions before dad changed his mind.

“Well then I will start preparing the dinner now. Jeanne are you staying for dinner, we would love it if you stay.”

“Which idiot will refuse to eat your food?” And we all laughed. Dad moved to the kitchen and signed mom to follow him. I am sure they are gonna have a talk which I definitely don’t want to hear.

I pulled Jeanne in the room with me. Right now, she is nervous because she couldn’t get the guts to face Selena after what she did. Since, it is all her doing she is afraid that Selena might be angry with her or atleast will be disappointed in her.

Yes, she cares more for Selena’s opinion than anyone after Chris or Ethan. She once told me back in college after getting drunk like too much drunk that she just calls grandma as Mumma because Chris wants her to and not because she feels like. If she would have wanted she would have called Selena as mom even in her childhood she took Selena as her mother for several years until she was told about the truth of her life.

Well, Selena’s behaviour pretty much explains Jeanne’s response.

Chapter 50: 1

Chapter 50: 2


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