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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 355


The hospital wait proved challenging as time seemed to drag while we remained motionless. Josephine and I took short strolls occasionally to stretch our legs. I permitted her to rest on the couch while I remained standing. Despite the unspoken nature of the situation, I anticipated that questions would arise soon.

Seated on my lap, Josephine inquired, "Are we still planning to visit the food truck?" Justin observed us, prompting his interruption, "What food truck?"

"It's a little place we checked out yesterday before all of this happened," Josephine replied, intentionally vague about the location.

"I understand. However, you two shouldn't go anywhere without a couple more people at least," he remarked, his tone resembling that of a protective figure. I almost let out a chuckle at his statement.

"Point taken, Alpha," I replied, and he wasn't still smiling. Whatever he was seeing bothered him a lot, and I knew I was the bad guy in the eyes of those who did not know what was going on.

"Join me in the cafeteria, Li. I have something to discuss with you," Justin stated, rising from his seat. It was clear that the conversation intended for the pack house, either in his room or office, would now transpire in the hospital cafeteria. The restlessness and tension in Justin's gaze were evident, and I dreaded the confrontation.

Josephine appeared to share my unease, her expression reflecting worry. Likewise, Charlotte seemed puzzled and disapproving. It was apparent that all of them were protective of Josephine. But what puzzled me was the underlying assumption that I could ever purposefully cause harm to Josephine or anyone else.

I had never dated anyone before. This was my first relationship. I might have crushed on Sophia and believed I was in love by the time of graduation, but I never made a move on her.

Seeing my impulses a few weeks ago, I realised I might have made that move because I liked having my life in order. I wanted the relationship part taken care of, so I could forge ahead.

Usually, when most people turn eighteen, their parents are on the lookout for their mates, if any, because it is a rare occurrence, and a lot is damaged for those who find their mates later in life after being mated.

Finding Josephine was all I needed for me to know that I was about to tow the wrong path with Sophia.

Truly, regardless of the nature of my relationship with Sophia, I am committed to investing the same level of effort in locating her. She's my friend, and her well-being matters to me. However, my emotions have become distinctly clearer, and my heart beats exclusively for Josephine.

Moreover, my motivations aren’t driven by our bond. Spending time with Josephine allowed me to realise how mistaken I was about her true personality. She turned out to be an exceptional person. In all honesty, even with the eyeliner, she retained her unique charm.

Josephine shifted from my lap, prompting me to rise, prepared to accompany Justin to the cafeteria. Similar to Uncle David, Justine possessed a stern side, and I understood that this time, I would be on the receiving end of it.

As we exited, the remainder of the team seated outside regarded us with surprise.

"Facing some trouble?" Noah reached out through our link, and I found myself at a loss for words.

"What's going on between you and Justin?" Oliver's message popped up in our mental connection.

"Josephine," I responded, and a hush fell over our conversation.

Considering the current trajectory, it seemed the entire team would uncover the truth before Josephine did. It was inevitable since I couldn't address the situation with Justin without disclosing the truth about us.

I was reluctant to confide in Josephine directly. I did not want to tell Josephine anything; I wanted her to find out on her own. I did not want to rob her of the feeling of discovery.

If everyone on this team knows, and she is the only one that does not know, I believe it would be unfair. It was messy, but I prayed for wisdom to get through it.

Justin and I proceeded in silence. Observers turned their attention toward us, offering respectful greetings, particularly directed at me. This was a consequence of recognition—people were aware of our identities, mine in particular.

It didn't sit well with me that, despite being the Beta, I garnered more reverence than Justin. Nevertheless, it was an anticipated outcome. My history within Grizlo was extensive, and the community there held a deep affection for me. However, the contemplation of the events that had compelled our return to this place cast a sombre shadow over the situation.

We stepped into the cafeteria, Justin and I, purchasing some food upon entry. Hospital cuisine wasn't exactly my preference, but I was prepared to make do. The meagre offering of sandwiches and water hardly constituted a satisfying meal.

Opting for a table tucked into a corner, we settled into our seats.

"I'm sure you're aware of the reason I asked to speak with you," Justin inquired calmly, and I feigned a lack of understanding.

Truthfully, beyond the matter concerning Sophia, I hadn't committed any wrongdoing. It left me puzzled as to why others weren't receiving similar inquiries about their choices. Oliver's attachment to Elaine was evident, and he was almost always by her side when she was around. Miles and Marvin were frequently seen with the Corrigan sisters. So why was my situation treated differently? Was I not allowed to form a connection as well?

"What is with you and Jo?" he asked, and I did not know how to answer.

"She is like family, Li. Lord Alexei and his siblings are like family, Li. Our parents forged that friendship and alliance through fire and blood; why would you want to act irresponsibly?

I understand you are hurting and miss Sophia so much, but relying on Josephine for emotional support and bandage is wrong.

What do you think is going on in her head? The both of you went from not being able to stand each other and never speaking to each other to this. Do you think we can't see it?

It is wrong to use people like that.

29 Telling Justin 1


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