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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Zoey stared at the Mercedes-Benz that slowly drove off. In a fit of jealousy, she returned to the company and cooked up wild stories for her colleagues.

“Do any of you know why Corinne could leave so happily? Turns out, she’s a sugar baby to a rich old man! She doesn’t need to care whether or not she has a job!”

‘Sugar baby?’ The employees were intrigued by the gossip, and they all surrounded Zoey to find out what was going on.

Zoey described the situation with a generous amount of exaggeration. “Out of the kindness of my heart, I decided to head down and return some of the stuff that Corinne left behind. You won’t believe what I saw. She was sitting on the lap of some fat old man inside this luxurious car! I don’t think I need to explain what she was doing, right?”

“An old man, you say? How old is old?”

“Over sixty, I guess.”

“Whoa, there. Isn’t that old enough to be her grandfather? I didn’t expect Corinne to be such a degenerate!”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk! Just goes to show you can’t judge a book by its cover.”

Unable to tolerate those remarks anymore, Joanna stood up and retorted loudly, “Enough with your nonsense, Zoey. Corinne isn’t that kind of woman!”

Zoey sneered. “Me? Talking nonsense? I saw it with my own eyes! If you don’t believe me, you can take a look at the company’s surveillance footage and see for yourself if Corinne got into a Mercedes-Benz just outside the main entrance!”

Joanna pursed her lips angrily, knowing that she did not have the authority to check the company’s surveillance footage.

Zoey was clearly being a bully. She was the one who chased Corinne away, and she dared to badmouth her in the company. It was utterly despicable!

Unable to fight against Zoey, Joanna sat down and continued her work, all while she tried to keep her emotions in check. Within seconds of going on her computer, however, she realized that something was different.

“Hmm? What’s this? Why is there an extra folder on my computer desktop?”

Another colleague of hers added, “I have an extra folder on my computer. too. What is this?”

“That’s weird. I have that folder, too! I’m clicking in to see what it is…”

The entire office fell silent after everyone opened the folder and saw the contents. Seconds later, looks of disgust, contempt, and derision were directed in Zoey’s direction.

Zoey was displeased to be stared at by her colleagues. “Why are all of you looking at me like that?”

Joanna stood up again with much more conviction than before. She said aloud, “The one playing computer games at work was you all along. You’re the reason why the entire company’s computers were hacked, too!”

Zoey was taken by surprise by the accusation and retorted guiltily, “Stop making all that up, Joanna! You have no evidence whatsoever! Mind your words, or I’ll sue you for defamation!”

All the evidence that Joanna had in hand led her confidence to increase. “Making it up, you say? Wasn’t it you who met someone online and pretended that you liked him just so you’d get some item from a game? You blocked him as soon as you got what you wanted, didn’t you? Turns out, he was a professional hacker, and he not only hacked into your computer but the company’s system too!

“And what did you do? You blamed everything on Corinne! Even the presentation that went wrong in today’s meeting was your doing. You tampered with it while I wasn’t paying attention; all the evidence is inside the folder.

“The hacker gathered every single one of your misdeeds, compiled them into a folder, and distributed copies to every single employee!”

Zoey began to feel guilty when her colleagues shot her with all those strange looks.

She rushed back to her workstation to check if it was true, and sure enough, the extra folder on the computer desktop contained screenshots of her chat history with the online friend, as well as screenshots of the surveillance video of when she secretly manipulated the presentation.

‘How could this have happened?!’ Zoey shrieked internally.

Alfred came out of the office with a stern and sullen expression, He shouted angrily, “Which one of you is Zoey? The company doesn’t need a troublemaker like you. Pack your bags and leave!”


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