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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100

“Don’t cry. You won’t look pretty anymore if your tears smudge your makeup.”

Zeke gracefully took out a handkerchief from the inner breast pocket of his jacket and wiped Ivanka’s tears skillfully and gently.

Ivanka’s heart throbbed like mad when a handsome, noble man showed such concern for her. She felt even more convinced of her attractiveness.

‘He must be the Prince Charming who came to save me!’ she gushed inwardly.

She moved a little closer to Zeke’s arms and said in a coquettish manner, “Thank you. I’m fine now.

“I’m very happy to hear that.” Zeke pursed his lips and gently placed the handkerchief in her hand.” I heard someone playing the ukulele from the next room. It was such a marvelous tune. Was it you who played it?”

Ivanka’s expression froze, and she did not know how to answer that. By telling the truth, she would only give that d*mn Corinne another chance to shine in front of her Prince Charming. After thinking about it, Ivanka deliberately gave him a vague reply, “Sir, the tune you just heard was played on this ukulele, but it’s a pity that it’s now damaged.”

“Tsk! The person who broke this ukulele is such a despicable person.” Zeke frowned slightly and finally raised his gaze to look at Corinne. “Why’d you break her ukulele, sis?”

‘Sis? I’m not your sis!’ Corinne cocked an eyebrow and looked at Zeke with disgust. As if Jeremy was not weird enough, his friend was just as weird, too! Perhaps birds of a feather do flock. together after all.

Ivanka was stunned at that moment, and her eyes widened in surprise. “Sir, what did you just…call her?”

“Sis, I called her ‘sis’. Is something the matter?” Zeke smiled. His handsome eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, and there were hints of playfulness in them.

Ivanka’s expression turned ugly in disbelief. “She… How is she your sis?”

Zeke smiled and said matter-of-factly, “She’s the woman of one of my sworn brothers, so of course she’s my sis.”

“A sworn brother’s woman?!” Ivanka was shocked. She looked at Zeke, then at Corinne, and was unwilling to accept reality.


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