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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 116

Chapter 116

Caught off-guard by the voice, the wealthy girls turned to look back, and their haughty expressions immediately simmered down.

“Oh, it’s Mister Sunny!”

“Mister Sunny, you’re here!”

“Hi, Mister Sunny!”

Corinne looked over, too.

The person they were calling was Sunny, who went to the art gallery with Francine to catch her having a nonexistent affair. He was wearing a white tuxedo looking like a young noble with his handsome face and slim tall frame.

He came over and frowned in disgust. “Why are you girls shouting? It’s so noisy!”

One of the rich girls stepped forward and pointed at Corinne. “Mister Sunny, we didn’t do it on purpose. This girl here wore an ugly outfit and snuck in here to get a free meal. We were just asking her to leave.”

“That’s right. The Riveras’ manor is a high-class place. How could we allow such a person to come in here and degrade it?”

“Mister Sunny, you’re here just in time. Ask the security to kick her out!”

Sunny lifted his chin and looked at them contemptuously. “Who told you you’re not allowed here in the manor just because her outfit is ugly? Everyone has the freedom to wear whatever they want. You girls shouldn’t be busybodies!”

The rich girls were stunned. They thought they were on the right side because they did it for the better good of the manor. Instead of getting complimented by Sunny as they expected, however, they got scolded.

“B-But she really did sneak in here…”

“Yeah! She didn’t have an invitation card!”

Their whines fell on deaf ears as Sunny said, “If she was able to come in here, it meant she has the right to do so. Do you think the security team in the manor are a bunch of useless people who’d let anyone in?”

“I… We’re sorry, we didn’t think it through.”

“Yes. We have no right to be stuffing our noses in the manor’s operation…”

“Sorry, Mister Sunny. Please forgive us.”


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