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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121

“You got lucky, Sunny!” Yash stood up, took out the betting contract from his pocket, and crumpled it into a ball before throwing it at him.

Sunny caught the ball of paper, uncrumpled it to see if it was correct, and immediately tore it up.

“You would’ve lost even if you didn’t cheat. Why is it so hard for you to accept that? How about another game if you can’t accept it? If you lose, you’re going to call me ‘daddy’! Are you brave enough to take up that offer?”

“I don’t have that much time to play with you!” Yash obviously did not dare to play anymore. His expression turned sullen, and he turned around to bring his companions away in defeat.

Sunny could finally hold his head high.

On one side, Corinne leaned lazily against the sofa, exited the game, opened her chat group [Old Driver’s Club], and moved her finger to send a big reward to the group. [Good game. This is for you!]

Aaron’s avatar then popped up. [You asked us to join you in a game, but now that it’s over, you’re just going to give us some rewards to shoo us away?]

Corinne replied, [What do you want?]

[You!] Aaron sent a coquettish emoticon.

Another profile picture of a landscape shot popped up with the accompanying username Caesar. [ It’s been a while since you last came to the company, boss.]

[Yeah!] Aaron agreed.

Corinne answered, [I’ll find a time to go there in the next few days. Be good boys. okay?]

After persuading her subordinates, Corinne put away her phone, got up, and left.

“Corinne, wait!” Sunny called her to stop.

Corinne stood there and said, “Anything else, Mister Sunny?”


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