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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 123

Chapter 123

Sunny nonchalantly rubbed the wound on the corner of his mouth. “I’m fine. I just knocked into something by accident! So, what is it that you wanted to tell me again?”

Felix said worriedly, “Umm… I was asked by Ma’am to bring you home so you can do your homework. She said that the university entrance examination is coming soon, and if you don’t study hard enough, you’ll be sent to a military camp to be disciplined.”

Sunny frowned when he heard thai.

Corinne smirked and said, “Hurry up and go home. You need to do your homework, or your momma’s gonna spank your little bottom!”

Sunny’s face turned red after he had been thoroughly embarrassed in front of the friend he just. made. He said arrogantly, “Hmph, stop teasing me! I’m not a child, and my momma stopped spanking me long ago!”

Felix looked at Corinne a little strangely and wondered why Sunny was in the company of a certain ‘Missus Holden’ whom Sunny used to loathe. He was also surprised that Corinne was dressed so sharply that day! Nevertheless, he did not think too much about that because Sunny was injured. Even if Sunny refused to go to the hospital, it was important to bring him to see the family doctor at once. If something happened to Sunny, the entire family would pin the blame on Felix!

Felix dragged Sunny away right that instant. “Let’s go, sir! If we go back too late, your dad will spank you even if your mom won’t!”

Corinne could not hold in her laugh, and Sunny could no longer maintain his calm expression. In his anger, he kicked Felix and said, “You idiot! What nonsense are you talking about? When did I ever get spanked?!”

Felix said aggrievedly, “Oh, yes, yes! I guess my memory is failing me! You’ve never been spanked!”

Sunny was extremely annoyed. “And stop pulling me! I can walk on my own!”

Corinne enjoyed reveling in Sunny’s misfortune of being dragged away begrudgingly by Felix.

“Corinne!” Sherlyn’s shrill voice called out.


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