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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Corinne blushed upon hearing what others around them were saying. It was easy to be

misunderstood that they were a couple because they were holding hands.

However, they did not walk alongside each other. Instead, Jeremy walked ahead of her while she reluctantly followed.

Rather than being seen as a couple, she thought they looked like a father and a disobedient


Still, Corinne felt it was not nice to be misunderstood, especially when there was nothing between them and they were just cooperating to play pretend. Thus, she tried to withdraw her hand to

clear the air.

By the time she moved her arm, she noticed they had gotten to the car.

Jeremy let go of her hand and opened the door for her. “Get in,” rang his voice, deep in his chest.

Corinne did not stall and bent to get into the car. Jeremy used his hand to cover the top part of the car, protecting Corinne from knocking her head. It was a very gentlemanly and lofty act.

Corinne was startled. ‘He’s always so cold at times, but he’s actually a gentleman.”

The car drove off.

Corinne laid back on the seat lazily and said, “Thank you, Mister.”

Jeremy was sitting upright, looking at his phone. Hearing this, he raised his brow and looked at her. “Thank me? For what?”

With a sincere expression, Corinne said, “For treating me to supper!”

She was going to pay herself, but Jeremy was holding her hand and refused to let go. He even ordered Tommy to pay for the bill.


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