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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 15

Corinne’s face turned purple.

By then, Pamela caught her breath and anxiously bleated, “Jeremy… Let go of her…”

Jeremy immediately released his grip and tossed Corinne to one side before going over and asking, “How are you feeling?”

Pamela waved her hand weakly. “It’s okay… Earlier, I…I got a prune pit stuck in my throat, but Corinne saved me using the Heimlich maneuver. See that pit on the ground? I spat it out…”

Jeremy froze slightly and glanced down at the inconspicuous prune pit on the ground. Then, he looked at Corinne once more, frowning slightly.

Corinne got up from the ground and rubbed her arm, which was sore after she had been mercilessly thrown onto the ground by Jeremy. She then went up to Pamela and explained, “I baked those pastries for myself this morning, Ma’am. I tend to leave prunes unpitted because I prefer the subtle bitterness that appears when you bake them. It’s not very suitable for old people though, so I sincerely apologize for that.”

She bowed sincerely before straightening her figure and looking at Jeremy.

“You should call a doctor to check up on her, Mister—I mean…Jeremy.” At the end of her sentence, she turned around and went upstairs to the room.

Jeremy felt a wave of mixed emotions when he looked at Corinne’s straight, slender back.

The whole incident gave Pamela a minor scare, and she only fell asleep after being helped into the room. That afternoon, the family doctor came to check up on her, and she had her blood pressure taken to confirm that she was alright.

After the family doctor left, the old lady regained some of her energy and said, “Could you wait outside for a bit, Francine? I have something to say to your brother.”

Francine was a little reluctant to go because she wanted to listen in on their conversation, but Jeremy’s stern look left her no choice but to leave.

With only the two of them left in the room, Jeremy walked to the bed and asked, “Is something the matter, Grandma?”

Pamela smiled warmly and looked up at her tall, handsome grandson. “I’m all fine now, Jeremy.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

Pamela asked, “I’m curious how you got to know Corinne.”

“It was by chance.”

Pamela nodded slowly. “She’s a good kid. I like her very much.”

There was a fleeting glimmer of surprise in Jeremy’s eyes, and his handsome eyes narrowed slightly. “Are you saying that just because she saved you?”

That escalated quickly, considering how she was giving Corinne some punishment just moments before he returned home.

There was a twinkle of admiration in Pamela’s eyes. “She’s calm when facing tough situations, and she doesn’t try to assert dominance or make herself look meek in front of me. Rather than cry and complain when you misunderstood her actions, she came to me just to calmly explain everything and apologize for what happened. She’s a sensible and understanding woman.”

Jeremy remained silent after recalling how he nearly severed her head off when he choked her in a fit of anger.

“You haven’t slept with her yet, have you?”

The subject changed a little too quickly that Jeremy ended up frozen in place.

Pamela teased, “You’re in your thirties, for God’s sake! Why are you so embarrassed?”

Jeremy was speechless.

“Jeremy, I know that you rushed into the marriage just to appease your stubborn old grandfather, but I think that you chose a good wife. Marriage isn’t child’s play, you know. I do hope the two of you will be able to live a happy life together in the future!”

Jeremy felt that it was inappropriate to explain the entire situation to her.

Pamela added, “I couldn’t attend your wedding because I accompanied your grandpa to prepare for the surgery, but I’ll bear witness to your matrimony today. Remember to consummate your marriage later so your grandfather can hold his great-grandson once he recovers!”

Jeremy’s expression darkened. “Grandma, when it comes to that, I think—”

Pamela frowned and interrupted him, “If you don’t listen to my advice, I’ll tell your grandfather that you tricked him with a fake marriage. You know the kind of temper he has. He’ll surely get sick again, even if he recovers from his surgery!”

Jeremy rubbed his eyebrows. “I’ll have someone bring dinner for you later. Have a good rest now,” he said, then turned to leave.

Pamela still did not give the consummation thing a rest, alas. “I’ll do my rounds later tonight, so don’t let me down!”

When Jeremy returned to the room, he saw Corinne sitting alone at the computer desk. She seemed to be engrossed in writing something that she did not even look up when he came in.

He walked up to her from behind and gazed down to see what it was she was writing. “You’re doing homework?”

Corinne paid full attention to her task at hand while complaining, “I’m copying the house rules. We’re already in the twenty-first century, but your family still has written family rules. My oh my, ancient much…”

Jeremy raised his hand and took away her pen. “You can stop copying now. No one’s going to punish you again.”

Corinne stretched her waist and said, “Guess I’ll go bathe and sleep, then!”

She had gained a deeper understanding of the power gap between herself and Jeremy after being strangled earlier. He could easily crush her to death like he could crush an ant. It was not so much her of him, but rather, she just did not feel the need to make her life any more difficult.

In the coming three months, her priority was to ensure peace during her days in the Holden household, and that meant not making enemies and avoiding much contact with Jeremy. As soon as the three months were up, all she needed to do was pack her belongings and leave.


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