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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 163

Chapter 163

In her moment of desperation, Corinne slapped the man in the face just so she could escape. As soon as she heard that everyone had left, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, her phone rang once more, and it was yet another call from Aaron.

Corinne frowned as she answered it.

Aaron’s voice sounded dramatic as if he had been possessed by the spirit of a dead actor. “Miss Corinne! Is that you? A man told me that you’re married, but I won’t believe anything he says! Tell me it isn’t true, Miss Corinne, I—*

“Give that charade of yours a break!” Corinne interrupted angrily. “It’s me!”

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and Aaron soon reverted to his usual tone. With a smile, he asked, “How’s it going, boss?”

“How’s what going?”

“Did you and Jeremy get closer? Was he jealous earlier?”

Corinne finally understood what Aaron was up to and warned him sternly, “Please don’t do such pointless things again in the future! As I’ve said before, Jeremy’s relationship with me lasts only three months, and that’s all there is to it.”

Despite emphatically making that remark, her heart had sunk into the depths of utter turmoil. She could not forget what Jeremy did to her earlier, at least not so soon.

Nevertheless, it was not the first time the two of them have kissed. The first time was when she grabbed him and gave him a peck to spite the disgusting man her stepmother had arranged for her to meet.

The second time was in Twilight’s Snow Room. She played a game with some playboys to save Annie from them. When she lost, she was punished to kiss someone of the opposite gender whom she knew. Jeremy forbade her from kissing anyone else lest it gave everyone the impression that she had cucked him, so he decided to kiss her instead.


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