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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 182

Chapter 182

Corinne wiped her hands slowly after taking tissue from the tissue box on the table. “Why shouldn’t I hit you when the two of you have been up to no good?”

Had it not been for their underhanded means, she would not have lost her virginity the night before!

When Lillianna saw that Corinne was acting uncharacteristically odd, she gritted her teeth with hatred and said, “I knew you were just pretending to be a good girl in front of your father! You’re showing your true colors now that he’s not around!”

Corinne smiled faintly. “I could say the same for you, Aunt Lilliana. Your gentleness and obedience in front of my dad were all just a farce too, wasn’t it? Do you need me to spell out what sort of horrendous behavior you did behind his back?”

Lilliana felt choked by that, and she gritted her teeth before scolding angrily, “Don’t you dare compare yourself to me. You’re just a b*stard child!”

Sherlyn sided with her mother and scolded, “My mom is right, Corinne! You’re a motherless b* stard child! I’m going to teach you a lesson on behalf of your shameless mother!” As she cursed, she charged forward and raised her hand to slap Corinne.

Rather than dodging, Corinne grabbed Sherlyn’s wrist firmly and asked, “I don’t need you to teach me a lesson! Why don’t you look in the mirror and ask yourself how you managed to secure the contract with Holden Group’s entertainment agency? I dare you to say it out loud.”

Sherlyn was taken aback for a moment, and she was unable to withdraw her hand despite her best attempts to do so. She raised her chin arrogantly and said angrily, “It’s because I’m talented, and the higher-ups just had to sign me after I captured their eye!”

Corinne flung off Sherlyn’s hand and said with a half-smile, “I think it’s because your godfather is the better person, right? By the way, does Dad know that you’ve acknowledged that man as your godfather?”

Sherlyn stood firm, stared at Corinne, and snorted in disdain. “Is it wrong for me to have at godfather? I did it all for the sake of getting a better job and bringing honor to our family! And besides, my godfather and I have a pure father-daughter relationship. It doesn’t scare me if Dad finds out!”


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