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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 196

Chapter 196

Jeremy drew out a piece of tissue and passed it to Corinne. He later then lectured her helplessly and strictly like he was her parent. “Slow down. No one is going to take the food from you.”

It took Corinne a hard time to bite and swallow the meat in her mouth. She accepted the tissue, wiped her mouth, and looked to the side embarrassingly so she did not need to look at him. Mister, can you stop talking about last night?”

“Why?” Jeremy raised his eyebrows, and his eyes were teasing her. “Is Miss Corinne feeling shy?” Corinne’s mouth twitched and said angrily, “I’m not shy! I just find it unbearable to recall!”

Unbearable to recall?

Jeremy’s eyes looked sullen as he stared at her for two seconds before curling the corner of his lips and teasing her. “Oh, come on, you sacrificed your body just to save someone’s life and have done a good deed! It should be very memorable for you.”

It sounded so lame and awkward that Corinne’s cheeks blushed like a red rose, and her wavering embarrassingly.

eyes were

‘He’s teasing me! What a heartless man! I wouldn’t have done that…. if his life wasn’t in danger!’ she thought.

She felt so abashed that her face scrunched up, and the redness even reached her ears. She was so shy that she did not have the appetite to finish the noodles she cooked.

Jeremy curled up his lips and stopped teasing her. He said seriously. “Do you have anything on your schedule tomorrow? If you have nothing, then go to Castle Horse Ranch with me.”

As the topic changed, Corinne finally had the courage to look at him. She frowned curiously.” Castle Horse Ranch? Do I have to go?”

Jeremy could tell she was reluctant to go by the look on her face. “Is there something you need to do tomorrow?”

Corinne shook her head. “No, but I don’t feel like going out.”

Jeremy said in a deep voice, “Then you’re coming with me. All you do is sleep if you stay at home.” “What the heck? He’s not asking me but informing me! Ugh! Forget about it. I have to cooperate with him during our contract period! Corinne thought.

She sighed. “Mister, is it time for me to act with you?”


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