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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 203

Chapter 203

Reeling in shock, Corinne blinked her bright eyes at Jeremy. ‘He believes me?’

Rosie’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “But Jeremy, didn’t you say you believe that I wouldn’t accuse Corinne without a reason? Why are you saying this now?”

Jeremy’s expression remained neutral “Yes, I believe you wouldn’t accuse her without a reason, so why don’t you tell us why you do it anyway and accuse my wife?”

As it turned out, Jeremy was not on her side after all despite saying otherwise. Moreover, he was certain Rosie did it to herself with his question.

Rosie started to panic and played the victim’s card. “Jeremy, we’ve known each other for so many years! You know me. How could you suspect me?”

Jeremy did not react to this, however, as he said, “Time isn’t the standard to test everything. Although I just know my wife, we trust each other, and we won’t suspect each other just because someone tried to instigate our relationship.”

Rosie was stunned. Her eyes reddened as something bitter welled up within her. “Jeremy! What do you mean, instigating your relationship? You surely can’t think of me in that way. We’ve been friends for ages now.

Jeremy started to look impatient. “Rosie, if you’re not going to say the reason, stop accusing my wife Otherwise, I don’t mind seeing you in court.”

He turned his back to Rosie calmly and asked Corinne softly, “Are you hungry?”

The question struck Corinne as she had been zoning out. She nodded. “Yeah, a little.”

“Then let’s go. We’re going to have our breakfast.”

With everyone watching them, Jeremy held her hand naturally and led her out of the changing.


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