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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 211

Chapter 211

Corinne lowered her eyebrows and sighed in irritation. “You might not believe me if I say this, but I’m not interested in

Jeremy at all! I don’t even want to be Missus Holden! You’re only wasting your time and effort if you try to pull these little shenanigans with me!”

Rosie was taken aback and looked at her with a bit of doubt. You’re not interested, you say? Then would you dare to swear that nothing ever happened between yourself and Jeremy, or that you don’t have any feelings for him at all?”

Corinne was silent. Making that promise was something she could not do because something did happen between herself and Jeremy-something…she could not bring herself to think about!

However, the circumstances that led to that event were

completely beyond her control, and other people would never understand why it was so. Even if she did explain the situation, no one would believe that her mindset then was simply

focused on helping him since it was in her capacity to do so. In consideration of those factors, she felt that keeping that a

secret forever was the best course of action.

As soon as the three-month cooperation period was over, she would leave the Holdens and disappear completely from Jeremy’s side. Her then actions could sufficiently prove to everyone that she was not interested in Jeremy or what the


Holdens could do for her.

Swearing was unnecessary.

When Rosie saw Corinne’s prolonged silence, she sneered, ” What’s wrong? Why are you so afraid of swearing, huh?

Ironically, you can’t even do such a simple act when you claim to be uninterested in Jeremy or being his wife! I find it hard to believe that poor people like you are willing to leave behind a life of wealth after finally having a taste of the good life!”

Corinne could not be bothered to talk to her and felt that there


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